Motorcyclist Crashes Off A 50 Foot Cliff
- GoPro cam catches a nasty accident.
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- Broke both tibia and fibula at a trampoline gym 2...
Girls Arm Wrestling Goes Wrong
- Oh Snap!
Guy Gets A Car Key Stuck In His Foot
- Everyday is a surprise!
Jumping Through A Swing Goes Wrong
- Adults should not play on children sized play sets...
Sledding Tow Wipeout
- This looks extremely painful!
Another Treadmill Stunt Gone Wrong
- If there is a camera and a treadmill, there will be...
Arm Wrestling Tendon Rupture
- Oh Snap!
Biggest Hits From Australian Football League
- Maybe they should seriously consider wearing pads.
Bagel Heads
- The new trend in body modification?
Arm Wrestling SNAP
- Oh Snap!!!
Warning! Kids On The Road!
- A back to school special.
Cactus Grab Stunt
- Follow us on Facebook!
Breakdancer FAIL
- Now that's using your head!
Otto Selin Snaps Arm Benching 700lbs
- Damn his legs are shaking and everything.
Brutal Rugby Hit
- Dude never saw it coming.
School Wrestling Goes Wrong
- Damn! Not for the squeamish.
Mattress Launch FAIL
- Ouch...
Unicyclist Busts Ass
- well if he ever goes to jail at least he will be ready
Bench Presser Snaps Arm
- Ouch.
Mess With the Bull...
- You get the horns!!
Best Scooter Stunt Ever...
- Go For the Gold!
13 Year Old Hit By High Speed Train
- Amazingly he escaped with his life. Gets back up, and...
Meanwhile In Poland: Stupid Is as Stupid Does
- Possible Darwin Award candidates? Oh I think so.
Slap K.O
- I won't flinch I swear.
Arm Wrestling Fail
- Should just go back to GTLing brah.
Splinter From Hell
- With IED's, random people shooting at you, and the god...
Most Fugly Soccer Foul Ever
- Wait for it....Ouch!
Drunk Girl Dancing Fail
- Ouch, that must have hurt!
The Dark Side of Celebrity Charity
- Raising awareness for your awareness that they're...
Unicycle Fail
- ouch ..right up the bonehole
Epic Slam Dunk
- Ouch!
Tranny Takes a Blow
- Transsexuals dance on the side of the freeway
wanna be like spiderman?
- well you fail
Basketball Face Stomp
- Looked intentional to me!
mouse trap on tongue
- omfg ouch!!!!
12 Times Baseball Bats Almost Injured Fans in the...
- It appears to be pretty dangerous to go out to a...
Sunburn Slap
- Ouch!
Hit By Car
- What kind of idiot agrees to be the guy who gets hit...
Finger Bend
- Just watching this will make your knuckles ache.
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