23 Haunted Places Across The US
Interesting real life haunted locations in America you should consider visiting for Halloween.
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California: Wolfe Manor - Formerly used as a sanitarium, there have been claims it is haunted by its old residents. It is currently under renovations to be turned into a hotel, for anyone brave enough to actually stay there. -
Alabama: Auburn University Chapel - Used as a hospital during the Civil War, students and staff now claim it is haunted by the ghost of a soldier named Sydney Grimlett. -
Arizona: The Bird Cage Theatre - Located in Tombstone, there have been reports dating back to the 1880s of people hearing ghostly laughter, yelling, and strange music. -
Arkansas: The Crescent Hotel - Known as "America's Most Haunted Hotel," there are said to be at least 8 ghosts wandering the hotel including former owner Norman G. Baker. -
Colorado: The Stanley Hotel - Located near Rocky Mountain National Park, this hotel considered the home to many spirits including founder F.O. Stanlely and was the inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in Stanley Kubrick's the Shining. -
Connecticut: Union Cemetery - Considered "one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country," its graves date back to the 1600s. Specters, orbs, and other apparitions have been witnessed and studied over the many years. -
Deleware: The Governor's Mansion - Reports claim there were some wine guzzling ghosts lurking around this home who would empty decanters filled for them every night. Other specters witnessed include former owner Dr. M.W. Bates' deceased father, an apparition in a white wig, the ghost of a Revolutionary War soldier, and a girl in a red gingham dress. -
Florida: The Biltmore Hotel - A mobster named Thomas "Fatty" Walsh was murdered here on September 7, 1929 after an unfortunate gambling dispute. He has been seen by guests hanging around the elevator ever since. -
Illinois: The Ashmore Estates - Built in 1916, it was formerly used as an almshouse before being turned into a psychiatric facility in 1959. Closed and condemned in the late 1980s, it was renovated and reopened in 2006 as a haunted house attraction. -
Kentucky: Bobby Mackey's Music World - Known as "the most haunted night club in America," it was formerly a slaughterhouse and the site of a satanic ritual murder in the late 1800s. Killers Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling claimed they would haunt the establishment following their hanging. They apparently favor the well room where the well is claimed to be an entrance to hell. -
Louisiana: Myrtle's Plantation - A former slave named Chloe is said to roam the grounds after being murdered by fellow slaves after she accidentally poisoned some of the master's family with oleander leaves in a cake. They were apparently attempting to keep themselves from being punished by killing her. -
Mississippi: Bellevue - Reportedly haunted by slaves who were beaten to death by the cruel former mistress of the house, they have been known to slam doors and throw items around the home. -
Missouri: Kemper Arena - Professional wrestler Owen Hart fell 78 feet to his death in 1999 at the arena, reports of his spirit flickering the lights on and off in the arena late at night and sightings of him wandering in his famous Blue Blazer. -
Montana: Bannack - One of the first settled towns in the state, it is now considered a ghost town. A woman in a blue dress named Dorothy who drowned, outlaws executed for their crimes, and a high infant mortality rate have all resulted in reports of ghostly activity. -
New Jersey: Seabrook - Wilson House-Used as a tavern in during the Revolutionary War, Patriots would use it to spy on British soldiers. Apparition sightings include a woman in white looking for her crying child, the spirit of a little boy seen looking out the windows, and the ghost of Captain Morgan whose treasure is supposedly buried somewhere within its walls. -
New York: Farnam Mansion - Formerly a bed and breakfast, there have since been several reports of apparitions, shadow people, phantom cats, objects moving of their own accord, ghostly voices, and the sensation of being touched. -
Oregon: Multnomah County Poor Farm - Built in 1911, many of its residents were buried in unmarked graves and there have been reports of a woman's voice reciting nursery rhymes and unexplained crying heard throughout the building. -
Pennsylvania: Eastern State Penitentiary - Infamous resident and notorious mobster Al Capone was reportedly haunted by the ghost of James Clark who he had previously ordered to be killed. -
South Carolina: St. Helena Parish Chapel of Ease Ruins - Tourists have reported strange lights and uneasy feelings while visiting the site. According to legend, it could be the ghost of a murdered Confederate officer still looking for his head or possibly a slave looking for revenge. -
Tennessee: Ryman Auditorium - Now home of the Grand Ole Opry, it was originally used as a church. Footsteps, doors closing, and the voice of Hank Williams Sr. have been reported as well as the image of a Confederate soldier. -
Texas: The Grove - Known as the most haunted home in most haunted city in Texas, phantom footsteps have been heard as well as apparitions of a lady in white. -
Washington: Montgomery House Bed and Breakfast - Built on land formerly owned by the Cowlitz Indian Nation, it was the site of thousands of Native American deaths. Now visitors report full bodied apparitions seen in both the backyard and inside the home. -
Wyoming: St. Mark's Episcopal Church - Supposedly haunted by two anonymous Swedish stonemasons who mysteriously disappeared from the bell tower during its construction.
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California: Wolfe Manor - Formerly used as a sanitarium, there have been claims it is haunted by its old residents. It is currently under renovations to be turned into a hotel, for anyone brave enough to actually stay there.