28 Controversial Food Opinions to Start A Food Fight With
We all have different kitchen etiquette. Some people are grossed out by foods that other people love. Here are some things we found at r/AskReddit that are controversial for the kitchen.
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Croc pot liners feel like you’re just asking for cancer. -u/Sleeves_are_4_bitchz -
I like making chicken with pasta. I make it into a sauce similar to Bolognese but I'll put small chicken bits instead of the mince... My family calls me a savage for eating such things together. -u/SweetJazz25 -
There's no such thing as "breakfast food". You can eat a steak in the morning and fry an egg for dinner if you want, it's just food. -alphareich -
Not all moms or grandmas are amazing cooks. Yes my mom has some good dishes she makes but nuking brussel sprouts in the microwave with orange marmalade is not one of them. -u/12inch_Juicy_Burrito -
Mile high burgers and hot dogs with so many toppings you can no longer taste the meat are awful, and a pain in the a** to eat. -u/irish2685 -
You can dislike a food simply for its texture, nothing to do with its taste. I don’t mind the taste of baked beans but I hate how slimy they are and don’t even get me started on when they’re cold. -u/eggshitter -
How to say 'pecan' I swear my family has gone to war over which way to pronounce it. -u/Significant_Ad_8159 -
In a pinch, you can sub plain yogurt for all kinds of liquids. -u/killercurvesahead -
The cream cheese based crock pot dinners are the modern equivalent of Jell-O based dinners from the 50s. -u/MadameBurner -
I once used mayonnaise instead of butter on a grilled cheese out of desperation and it worked out fine. Smelled weird but had no difference in taste. -u/J0LTED -
Some food tastes better a little bit burnt. -u/FancySloth -
Most root vegetables (e.g. carrots, potatoes, ginger) don’t need to be peeled when properly cooked. -u/xCaptainCrunchxD -
Most people/companies do not know how to do salted caramel. every salted caramel product I've had homemade or otherwise has been like mouth puckeringly salty. The point is to lightly salt it to bring out the more subtle flavors, not literally make salty caramel. -u/RandomGuy5937 -
Things like an air fryer are NOT cheating. If I wanna air fry a salmon fillet for 8 minutes instead of stick it in the oven for 20, and then toss it on a bed of single serve 2 minute microwaveable instant stick rice instead of make a large portion that has to cook for 30 minutes, I'll do just that and it's still a real meal. -u/givememorecheese -
Most restaurants should just stop serving vegetarian dishes if they can't be bothered to make something that tastes good. You cannot just put kale, quinoa, some random veg, and a vinaigrette in a bowl and charge $25. -u/goatpengertie -
I've done the final egg coating on apple pies with a makeup brush more times than I'd like to admit. -u/menchii_ -
Burnt garlic is far too common. Some people (I’m hesitant to say most) toss garlic straight into a hot pan and then continue to cook onions, peppers, etc. Garlic needs less time than most other things and should be put in later so it doesn’t burn. -u/jjrandy -
Use what you have on hand. Trust yourself to make it work. -u/Eaglelakegirl64 -
Red onions should be called purple onions. -u/Antisocial-Lightbulb -
Meal prep is just eating leftovers all week. -u/diablo1128 -
As a lifelong carnivore I will say that if tofu is cooked properly it is absolutely delicious. I would even go so far as to say I prefer it in certain dishes over animal protein. -u/HubbTub -
MSG works. -u/Dracconas -
Pepperoni's need a little time in a pan before putting in on the pizza and in the oven. Omptimize crispy-ness. -u/Short_fuzed_frenchie -
Presentation barely matters to me. I've had many delicious scoops of slop. -u/ToBePacific -
As an adult, you should clean as you cook!! -u/omg_88 -
Recipes are only opinions. Feel free to mix things up as you see fit. People in my household go berserk when I suggest this. -u/pfojes -
Smaller portions for visual effect is absolutely awful to your guests. Like. Less food, to impress me? You lost me already. -u/Squaragus_Asparagus -
Don't put olive oil in your pasta water. Oil floats. It doesn't do anything. -u/KidLanguageBarrier