Hiring Manager Ghosts Candidate He Promised Position...
- When a college student took an unpaid internship...
Media galleries
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20 Facepalms You Should Probably Hide From Your...
- These fails are so fanatic that they might not be best...
DALL·E 3's New A.I. Image Generator Is Making...
- It almost feels illegal, looking at the scenes but...
23 Pics Playing Tricks On Your Eyes
- Make sure you have the right perspective, because even...
22 Clueless People Who Need to Go Back to School
- Some people who still can't seem to grasp basic...
23 Fails and Facepalms For the Cringe Hall of Shame
- There's nothing like a gallery full of failure to make...
'My Boss Thinks That $7.25 an Hour Is Good': Employee...
- Hey boss, it's not 1950 anymore, get with the times.
'Howdy Ma'm, Can I Interest You In a Divorce?': Cowboy...
- Elon has taken it upon himself to fix the border...
22 Twisted and Tragic Fails
- Sometimes when things go wrong, it's just downright...
23 Facepalms From This Week of Fails
- In a week chock full of fails, these are some of the...
Got Em: 16 People Who Were Owned By the Comments
- No one on the internet is safe from the harshness of a...
22 Funny Photos Filled With Failure
- If you thought you were going to look at photos full...
20 Fails and Facepalms Full of Foolishness
- What a load of baloney.
19 Insults That Hit Their Mark
- If you can't take the heat then stay off the internet.
29 of the Fastest Ways People Have Ever Been Fired
- They never stood a chance.
19 Cringe Pics and Facepalm Worthy Fails
- A collection of laughable fails.
27 Horrible Designs That Should Never Have Seen the...
- The world is full of creative people, awesome...
The Way She Goes: 18 People Having a Terrible First...
- People who found themselves in some really awkward...
37 People Who Got the Short End of the Stick
- The definition of a bad day.
Game Store Executive Fires Employee for Refusing to...
- This poor employee found himself between a spoiled...
24 Fails and Facepalms For the Hall Of Shame
- In a week that featured governmental alien reveals and...
24 Posts By Dudes Who Have No Idea How Women Work
- It's no secret that men don't know how women work....
Parents Intentionally Sit Behind Their Badly Behaved...
- Sitting with your kids on the plane should be law.
19 Extremely Entitled People Who Need a Wakeup Call
- These people need a wakeup call to come back to...
26 Ridiculously Expensive 'Fashions' That Are Complete...
- Although Meryl Streep's character in "Devil Wears...
18 Things We Were Told In School That Was Total BS
- Sometimes our education can seem a little out of date.
31 Bad Haircuts Worth Fighting Your Barber Over
- Except, some of these people actually think it looks...
22 Entitled People Who Think They're the Main Character
- Spoiler alert:
22 Dollar Store Dirtbags to Trash Up Your Local...
- Where there are discounts, there are dirtbags.
Women Reveal All the Gross Ways Married Men Flirt
- Friends, we are coming up on a year since Adam Levine...
20 Fantastic Facepalms and Funny Fails
- Some funny fails, flounders and facepalms to get...
29 Randoms Worthy of a Facepalm
- Randoms with a little bit of what the f- attached.
22 Trashy Nightclub Photos Chock Full of Chaos
- Nightclubs are a whole different world of chaos.
20 People Who Had One Job and Still Failed
- Fails from people who could have done better.
22 Brutal Comments That Smacked People Down
- Be careful out there guys, you never know who's...
31 Funny Tweets From the Brilliant Minds of Twitter
- Kick back and enjoy some funny tweets.
Boss Demands Employees Arrive Early For 'Motivational...
- It's a pain to have a boss that's lame, it's even...
'The Benefit of Being a Salary Employee': Company Asks...
- "It's only fair to promote you with a pay deduction..."
'I Found Foreskin On My Cheese Pizza': Dave Portnoy...
- Barstool Sports overlord Dave Portnoy didn’t mince...
24 Bad Jokes People Walked Right Into
- These went right over their heads.
eBaum's Picks