Guy Ringing Doorbell Gets Aggressively Greeted By Rat...
- Unless you were calling on Medusa in mythological...
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Protective Family Dog Saves Child From Neighbor's...
- A six-year-old and his German Sheppard were having a...
Guys Challenges a Bull Elk And Instantly Regrets It
- After asking this Elk "You wanna' go bud?", the Elk...
Tiny Tuna Crabs Meet A Human For The First Time
- These little guys are curious, cute, and creepy, all...
Stoner in the Wild Encounters A Lynx
- This dude was just chillin' out, enjoying the view,...
Terrifying Moment a Coyote Attacks Little Girl In...
- This toddler, in Woodland Hills, CA is attacked by a...
Russian Man With Balls of Steel Doesn't Shoot Mama...
- This Russian hunter came across a bear in the woods....
Elderly Woman Viciously Attacked by a Rabid Fox
- This rabies infected fox sneaks up on this New York...
Brave Dad Saves Dog From Bear That Was Chasing It
- A bear chases a golden retriever through its backyard....
25 Wildlife Facts to Chew On
- Animals are amazing, but some truths about them are a...
Old Australian Dude Smacks a Crocodile in the Head...
- This Australian lodge owner had enough of this...
31 Animal Facts Too Wild to Tame
- Just how much do we really know about the animal...
Husband Totally Obliterates Wife’s Pet Goldfish
- In a wild story from the world of Reddit, a man...
Couple's Fake Service Pitbull Bites a Child on the...
- A family that had gone out to eat watched in horror as...
Big Unit Sturgeon Caught and Tagged in British Columbia
- A fishing guide in British Columbia caught this big...
22 People and Things We’ve Lost All Sympathy For
- We generally try to abide by the motto "live and let...
10 Insanely Unforgettable Quotes From NPCs
- While video games are driven by our main characters,...
Crabs Swim Way Faster Than We Imagined
- I guess I just assumed they keep scuttling around down...
Lion Waits outside of Front Door, Not a Happy Camper
- When in Africa. This guy just needs to get outside,...
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Gamers
- The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most...
Bird Singing "Free Bird" Is the Pun We like to See
- Put this video on the list of things I never thought...
Pigeon Introduces Idiot's Face to Puke Puddle
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Game Trends: Why Cozy Core Is On the Rise
- Cozy gaming, or what is known as "cozy core" is...
Bobcat Attacks Dude's Wife, Gets Yeeted
- We're hoping all parties involved, including the...
The Top Ten Fishing Games For the Anglers Among Us
- Do you enjoy fishing? If so, it might seem like this...
Confused Dog Owner Finds Pooch on the Roof
- The dog just wanted to help.
Fox Gets Duped by Animal Rights Activist Posing as...
- This morning an animal rights activist named Matt...
26 Cats Who Are Serious A**holes
- Don't let the cuteness fool you. These cats are...
33 Classic Randoms to Make Time Move Faster
- Enjoy a fresh batch of cool, funny, and wtf pics to...
29 Answers the Question 'What Happens If?' In Photo...
- Quick answers to life's everyday curiosities.
48 Fascinating Photos to Pass the Time With
- Fun pics to spend your time scrolling.
34 Daily Drops of Dank Memes and Funny Pics
- Please enjoy these while you figure out what went...
Terrified Hiker Tries Swearing at Mountain Lion to...
- This must have been scary as hell, but his voiceover...
30 Funny Pics and Clever Memes We Enjoyed This Week
- Stuff to get you through.
Holy Crap, You Can Become a Deer in 'Red Dead...
- It only lasts for a few minutes, but it looks like a...
Gassy Wombat Rips a Beefer During Meal Time
- Maybe this is just what he thinks about his handler.
30 Images That Appear Different with a Closer Look
- You may doubt what your eyes are seeing.
Poor Dog Gets Rekt
- It still technically counts as a make.
Firefighters Can't Stop Dude from Saving His Dog from...
- This is true friendship.
20 Questions You Didn't Know You Wanted the Answers To
- Random questions with unexpected answers.
eBaum's Picks