DUI Karen Throws a Tantrum Because She's a Justice of...
- "This is all the Police's Fault!" Karen, who is...
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Idiot Driver Causes Serious Accident Because They...
- Moron comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the...
Woman Claims She Can’t Find Job Because of Good Looks
- "Even during the hiring process, being beautiful gets...
Horrible Boss Fires Employee Because She Asks To Take...
- Yeah, if you're dying child isn't a valid enough...
This Airport Employee Has Zero F*cks Left To Give
- This woman does not give s shit about you or any of...
Corrections Officer Charged With Sexual Assault After...
- A prison official gets busted because of his "stinky,...
Dog With An Unfortunate Face Got Adopted And It's So...
- It's not ugly, it's happy.
25 Fascinating Facts That Are As Useless As They Are...
- You never know when this stuff may come in handy.
8 People Who Got In Trouble Because of Selfies
- A single photo can land you in hot water.
15 People Admit the Most Pathetic Horny Actions
- If you've ever been so desperately horny you didn't...
17 Desperate Things People Did Because They Were Horny
- When you're in the mood often times you don't think...
Husband Installs Hidden Camera To Catch Cheating Wife
- A husband noticed his codoms missing and decided to...
Kid Gets Tricked By Voice Throwing At Drive Thru
- These guys have some friend with their clueless buddy.
16 Awesome GIFs of Badass Weapons Firing
- Exercising the right to kick ass, and take names.
Girl Thinks District of Columbia Is in South America
- "Because Columbia is not in the United States, it's in...
19 Parents Struggling With Social Media
- The latest and greatest technology isn't for everyone.
Dad Tells Son To Marry Girlfriend Because Her Cake Is...
- Dad knows whats best.
Guy Goes Psycho After Tinder Date Won't Put Out
- Looks like he'll be handling things himself, if you...
16 Surprising Jobs Celebrities Took After Quitting The...
- Just because they retired doesn't mean they want to...
Mom Wins Free Tuition After Lucky Bounce
- She tosses up a half-court airball, but obviously had...
People Who Got Fired Because of Facebook
- These people didn't understand their bosses also have...
Marine's Helmet Saves His Life After Being Shot by an...
- A soldier's life flashes before his eyes when he is...
Drunk Man Calls 911 Because His Girlfriend Won't Put...
- This is what happens when Netflix and chill goes wrong!
Woman Filled Her Car's Engine With Water
- It was over heating and she decided water would cool...
15 Girls You Secretly Want to Match With on Tinder
- Because you never know...
15 People Who Should Learn How Mirrors Work
- People, turned Internet famous overnight because of...
Guy Gets Easiest Date Ever, Solely Because of His Car
- David went to his car only to find this surprise...
Lady Calls 911 Because She's Angry at Starbucks...
- It seems as if this woman has called the police many...
26 Thoughts Funny Because They're True
- Pictures that get to the heart of things!
Dune Buggy Sinks Thru Frozen Lake
- Just because the ice will support 2 people does not...
Basejumping The Russian Way
- Because the Usual Way Is Too Easy...
Carrie Prejean Threatens to Leave Larry King Live
- In a strange moment, Carrie Prejean On Larry King Live...
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