Colorado Man Thinks He Found a Serial Killer after...
- Depending on who you ask, they tell you that serial...
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'Probably Gamey But Delicious': Bigfoot Allegedly...
- One couple’s recent train ride through scenic...
TikToker Goes to Great Lengths to Explain How Colorado...
- Think the state of Colorado is a rectangle? Think...
Pickup Truck Plows into Colorado Police Station
- A pickup truck crashed into the lobby of a police...
This Colorado Estate Sale Has Serious Jeffrey Dahmer...
- The world of estate sales is always a crapshoot, in...
Video Crossing the Kansas Colorado Boarder on I-70...
- A man crossing the state border between Kansas and...
Dog Stares Down Mountain Lion like an Absolute Boss
- The owner could take a lesson from her dog Dash, and...
Colorado Hiker Stumbles Upon Wreckage From Fatal Plane...
- While hiking at elevations of +12,000ft, this hiker...
Photos From 'Free-Colorado' and Other State Protests
- Okay, I take back everything I've said about this...
First Cousins Get Married, Hope to Change Laws
- They definitely look like they're really in love......
This Guy Pulled Over To Pee And Forgot To Put His...
- There's nothing more beautiful than a drive through...
Complete and Utter Devastation as Semi Truck Driver...
- A semi driver is facing homicide charges after 4...
Carl's JR Is Embracing 4/20 With A Cannabis Infused...
- Carl's Jr. is testing out a cannabis burger to stay at...
Dude Pulls Off Something From GTA Brags About Youtube...
- Stone, 30, was sentenced to 160 years in prison. He...
This Helicopter Pilot's Concrete Pouring Skills Are...
- The Loveland Ski Area in Colorado needed to pour a...
Finding a Pack of Mountain Lions on Your Porch Would...
- Andy Davis was enjoying his morning coffee and...
Total Douche Eats Cereal in a Mosh Pit
- This guy went into the mosh pit with a bowl of Lucky...
Two Young Guys Shooting Tracer Rounds Start Massive...
- The Lake Christine Fire in Colorado had grown to over...
This Truck Going Horizontal While Climbing Over a Rock...
- This is a technical obstacle on one of Colorado's most...
Drunk Driver Citizens Arrest Is Hard To Watch
- After a bad accident in Pueblo, CO these folks took in...
Two Men Get Trapped Between Powerlines And Downed...
- With little notice to evacuate their home, these two...
2 Colorado Cops In Full Uniform Smoking That Good Shit
- Damn, these cops know what's up.
Storm Chasers Get Extremely Close to Tornado in Wray...
- Extreme up-close footage of tornado just north of...
16 Hilarious Jokes About Weed
- Roll one, relax, and laugh at these marijuana-related...
Police Brutality During Peaceful Protest
- The Denver Police attack and arrest "Every 5th"...
Tumbleweeds Spread Grass Fire in Colorado
- A tornado of tumbleweeds cause a blaze to intensify.
Colorado Carjacker GTA Version
- Now this is GTA in real life!
Run-Away Snowmobile Crashes Into X-Games Crowd
- Jackson Strong's snowmobile has a mind of it's own!
- A few lucky homeowners...most devastated.
20 Car Pile Up In Colorado
- he says this is terrible, but he is laughing
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