4 Strange Ways Hollywood Thinks About Boobs And...
- Look, let's cut to the chase - Hollywood just can't...
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4 Erotic Fanfiction Scenes That We Can't Unsee
- The fan fiction universe gives amateur writers open...
How Amazon Blatantly Rips Off Its Competitors With...
- Many AmazonBasics products are basically identical to...
We Remade F9: The Fast Saga For Only $20
- See Fast & Furious's Dom, Letty, Roman, Tej, Mia, Han,...
4 Dumb Ways Hollywood Kills Characters Because They...
- There are good ways and bad ways to kill off movie and...
WhiteHouse.com: The Naughty, Non-Government Website of...
- During the Clinton years, WhiteHouse.com -- not to be...
Re-Making Mission Impossible, But For Only $20
- Mission Impossible 7 and 8 keep getting delayed, so we...
That Time Iran Tried To Hide Will Ferrell's Crotch...
- Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact...
4 Movies That Are Actually Propaganda (Star Wars, Top...
- For as long as there has been a film industry,...
The Entire Saw Timeline Explained for the Viewers
- The entire Saw movie timeline explained in one...
Luigi Can’t Afford Luigi’s Mansion
- In the Luigi’s Mansion series, the second-player...
40-Year-Old Virgin Got Shut Down Because Steve Carell...
- Did you know, the 40-Year-Old Virgin was shut down...
We Fixed Everything Wrong with the New Mortal Kombat...
- The 2021 Mortal Kombat was pretty cool (like Sub-Zero...
4 Star Wars Legends That Are Too Hot For Disney+
- We’re talkin’ Luke seducing multiple dead girls,...
Superman Too Offensive For The CW
- There's some real weird s*** going on here!
4 Scarlet Witch Storylines Too Disturbing For...
- Did Wanda pork her brother in the comics?
Does John Wick Owe His Success As An Assassin To Being...
- Everybody assumes John Wick's greatest skill is his...
5 (Secretly) Extra-Tragic Disney Movies Crushing Our...
- Have you ever wondered if the atrocities of World War...
Cracking Open an Amethyst Geode
- Stunning amethyst geode being cracked open.Look at...
5 Movie Universes Secretly Much Weirder Than You'd...
- More from "Your Brain on Cracked."
Someone Remade The 'Tenet' Trailer With a $20 Budget...
- Link to the original video inside!
4 Terrifying Horror Movie Plot Holes Creeping Us Out
- These horror movies really left us hanging.... get it?
Someone Remade The 'Tenet' Trailer With a $20 Budget...
- It's probably too dangerous to go see Christopher...
Is Michael Bay's Armageddon Is A Transformers Prequel?
- So how the hell do the scientists in Michael Bay’s...
4 Video Games That NEED To Be Ripped Off
- Why aren't newer games using these incredible...
Jumping Zombie Vampire 'Jiangshi' Movies Are...
- These movies were big in Japan in the 80s and are...
4 Bizarre Movie Tropes And Their Super Weird...
- "Have you ever wondered why Keanu Reeves really loves...
4 Types of Movie Plots That Only Work If the Whole...
- Our friends at Cracked.com have launched a new video...
Michael Swaim Explains How His Script "Force of...
- Hollywood production company "Emmett Furla" has made a...
Giant Aquarium Cracks at Restaurant in Houston Texas
- Several people got soaked, no one was injured, and...
Douchebag's Custom Mercedes Goes Crunch
- He probably deserved that.
Cracked Feet That Are As Hard As Stone
- Looks like you've got a foot problem there sir.
Crazy Ketchup And Mustard Lady
- Further proof that drugs will mess you up kids.
Can't Tell If Serious...
- An odd advertisement for a Chiropractor's Office.
Sealing A Truck Tire Can Be Dangerous
- I'm surprised the rim was the only thing destroyed!
A Mall's Shark Tank Explodes In Front Of Spectators
- Security cameras at a mall in Beijing capture the...
Don't Drink And Climb Ladders
- Or you'll end up like Captain Beerbox here.
Vet Sits In Parked Car On A Hot Day
- A reminder about not leaving your dog in the car.
Japanese Woman Wacked Out on Drugs
- At one point, she looks like she's trying to shake her...
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