38 Dank Memes That Show What Crazy Stuff Happened This...
- The wildest stuff that happened this year.
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Has This Ever Happened To You?
- Mitch Bryant wants to represent you. From the Netflix...
2001 Dave Chappelle Would Make People's Heads Spin in...
- Dave Chappelle goes on Conan in 2001 and trashes every...
26 Pics From When Things Clearly Went Down
- Examples of out of the ordinary occasions when things...
People Admit The Worst Things That Happened During Sex
- Sometimes sex can get awkward.
23 People Share the Awkward Things That Happened to...
- Sometimes sex doesn't go as planned, sometimes it can...
15 Hard to Believe Things That Actually Happened in...
- Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. Here...
11 Fascinating Finds From Our Fascinating World
- Interesting images and stories from around the world.
36 Times People Made a Huge Mistake
- When things just decide to hit the fan. And not a good...
41 Hilarious Accidents
- Sometimes thing just come together to create something...
29 Times the Planets Aligned Perfectly
- What are the odds of that?
20 Things That Happened in 2018 but Feels Like 2008
- This year feels like one decade. Pretty sure 2019 will...
35 Times Bad Sh*t Just Happened
- These people are having a bad day, so enjoy the...
34 Times When Shit Hit The Fan
- Sometimes in life, things don't go as expected.
23 Fascinating Pics From Around The Web
- Rare things and events that internet users managed to...
A Tragic Story Of A Little Girl Who Was Found Adrift...
- This little girl escaped death and defied all odds in...
16 Shameless Liars Who Are living in a Fantasy World
- Liars on social media sharing their totally true...
24 Savage Accidents That Shouldn't Have Even Happened
- These people were just born winners.
15 of the Scariest Things That Ever Happened When...
- Grab the biggest knife you can find and barricade...
28 Of Life's Oh Sh*t Moments Captured On Film
- When real life throws you a curveball.
16 Classmates Share What Happened To Those Voted 'Most...
- Thanks to these former classmates, we get to look back...
This Girl’s Brag On Facebook Ended Up Costing Her...
- Sometimes, you shouldn't let your kid know about legal...
20 Movie Costume Mistakes That Will Make You Facepalm
- In the world of film detail is everything, however,...
23 Of The Most Wild And Gripping Moments From Live...
- Moments on television that terrified, shocked and made...
23 Times Rough Sh*t Happened
- It doesn't always go as planned.
The Craziest Moments That Happened On Live TV
- Funny, heart-stopping and wtf moments from live...
Doctor Fixes Girl's Dislocated Knee So Fast She...
- I have to admit, she handled it better than I would...
40 Times Sh*t Happened
- Sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Brides Confess What Happened On Their Wedding Night
- Not all honeymoons are created equal.
These Rare Historical Photos Show The Past As You've...
- Amazing photos from the past
23 Times Work Made Us Laugh
- Don't let it get you down.
Hilarious and Painful Times When Shit Got Real
- From zero to one hundred in seconds!
30 Behind The Scenes Photos From Famous Movies
- There is this human need to find out how the magic of...
Stoner Hilariously Comments On An Accident Seconds...
- Guy hilariously reports a car accident.
This Old Man Was Struggling To Re-roof His House,...
- Something amazing happened.
37 Times Sh!t Happened
- Pictures that will make you feel better about your day.
17 Times a Glitch in The Matrix Happened in Real Life
- Sometimes you see a glitch that makes you think none...
29 Situations That Escalated Quickly
- Sometimes things spiral out of control really fast.
10 Disappearances That Are Unsolved
- Frustrating to think we may never know what happened.
19 Situations That Prove There Are No Coincidences
- Strange and staggering, coinciding events that...
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