Gollum The Worst Game of 2023 One Day After Release -...
- Yesterday the sort-of-anticipated Gollum game was...
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Flautist Plays 'Lord of the Rings' Theme Song Deep...
- Your feel-good clip of the day.
Tom Brady Announces Retirement, Marking the End of an...
- It's official: Tom Brady, the seven-time Super Bowl...
25 Fascinating Artifacts From the Ancient Past
- We say it a lot around here, but the history of our...
25 Perfect Movies That Should Never Be Remade
- Hollywood seems all out of original ideas. It's why we...
10 Coolest Things Ever Created In Minecraft
- In its own way, Minecraft may be the ultimate video...
Karl Urban Talks About Pranking Viggo Mortensen
- At the 2019 Fanexpo in Toronto Canada, "The Boys"...
Carl Sagan Is Asked If He Is a Socialist and 31 Years...
- Ted Turner asks Carl Sagan if he is a socialist and he...
"I Recognize You from Lord of the Rings" Drunk Idiot...
- They gonna smash, or what?
When Two Vortex Rings Collide - Smarter Every Day
- Awesome slow-motion footage of two vortex rings...
Facts From "The Lord of the Rings" You Probably Didn't...
- Relive one of cinema's greatest movies with some...
This Tom Brady Super Bowl Commercial Is Straight Savage
- Tom Brady has got some serious balls to do this, even...
8 Dirty Tricks That Will Make Life Easier
- Kinky life hacks that are borderline genius!
Woman Buys A Much Needed Sword
- She bought an Uruk-Hai Scimitar it changed her life.
Lord Of The Rings Hidden Entrance
- Touch the secret door, and something awesome happens.
Guy Annoys Girlfriend With LOTR Quotes
- This guy is like an encyclopedia of Lord Of The Rings...
If Girls Proposed To Guys
- If she liked it, then she should have put a lunchbox...
FREAKY Michael Jordan vs Kobe Bryant Identical Plays
- Play by play comparison of both players making the...
31 Cleverly Placed iPhone Screenshots
- Combination pieces that merge real life with classic...
Gandalf Vs Train: You Shall not Pass
- Possibly the best "you shall not pass" in the history...
Think All Hobbits Are Nice?
- Bilbo Baggins has a special message just for you...
The Simpsons "The Hobbit" Intro
- The Simpsons get a Lord Of The Rings styled couch gag...
Cat Stands Up When Doorbell Rings
- This kitty has a funny reaction when he hears the...
Face Folding Films
- Some movie characters get a make-over.
The Predator Goes On A Killing Spree
- Some movie stars finally get what they deserve...
Photoshop Contest #60 WINNER
- They Call Her The Barrel Rider...
Ring Bearer Faints During Wedding Ceremony
- Are the rings okay?
Blown Engine Creates Smoke Rings
- A driver sends out smoke signals: OOOOOO
Gandalf The Sheep
- You shall not pass!
LOTR Forced Perspective Moving Camera
- mind=blown
Christopher Lee Apparently Knows What A Dying Nazi...
- Well, he is a Veteran of the Royal Air Force...
Lord of the "Smoke" Rings
- when I used to get high, I was never able to clearly...
Trick Smoke Rings
- Too bad she has since died of lung cancer.
Dolphins Play With Bubble Rings
- Dolphins create and then play with bubble rings, doing...
Lord Of The Dancy Dance
- I would've been scared too
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