Rescue Efforts Underway to Save American Trapped In...
- Though 40-year-old Dickey began suffering...
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Man Stuck In Truck During Flood Is Rescued By His...
- Skip to 17:50 for the actual rescue. Just like the...
Guy with Nerves of Steel Picks up a Stranded Hawk with...
- This hawk was stuck on his porch and after failing to...
Woman Claiming to be Cat in Human Body Leaves BF...
- Understandably, this revelation left him and most of...
Bears Coordinate a Rescue of Their Friend with the...
- This is some circle of life crap.
18 Dudes Who Missed the End Zone and Ended Up in the...
- Come look at dude with no game get gamed while...
Woman Gets Trapped In An Elevator For Three Days
- The housekeeper who was trapped in a small elevator at...
WTF Lady Gets Trapped After Driving Her Car Under an RV
- How does this even happen?
Terrifying Footage of Woman Trapped Inside Her Car...
- A resident of Gatineau, Quebec, said she was lucky to...
Azealia Banks and Her Crazy Weekend Trapped In Elon...
- Elon Musk spent the weekend crying, doing acid and...
Heroes Lift Car off Trapped Man at Demolition Derby
- A vehicle had smashed into a barrier tipping it...
19 Unfortunate Ladies Who Got Stuck in Weird Places
- How did they manage to do that?
Horse Stuck in the Most WTF Way Possible Gets Rescued...
- This poor horse would have been a goner if not for the...
36 Poor Souls Trapped In The Friendzone
- Welcome the friend zone, where many well-meaning and...
Skiers Trapped Inside A Chair Lift Swinging In 100 mph...
- This is a real-life nightmare, no thanks.
Safety Boat Trapped in the Impact Zone Rides Out the...
- Safety boat showing up the surfers in Jeffrey's Bay!
Massive 24 Story Tower Fire In A London Apartment...
- 47 firetrucks and 200 firefighters were on the scene...
Naked Lady Steals Police Truck
- I guess you could say he was...'booby' trapped!
Dumb Inmate's Day Goes From Bad To Worse
- This guy seems to have a thing for making bad...
Two Men Get Trapped Between Powerlines And Downed...
- With little notice to evacuate their home, these two...
Duck Recruits Firemen To Rescue Her Trapped Ducklings
- A quacking duck gets the attention of some humans to...
Guy On Dirtbike Rescues Man Pinned Under 4 Wheeler
- While out for a ride this man noticed an overturned...
Pregnant Dog Gets Rescued After Being Trapped Beneath...
- A man saves a dog after workers heard muffled barking...
Rescue Of Man Trapped in Raging Fire
- A man is rescue from a blazing fire near the AIG...
10 Year Old Boy Calls In The Marines
- Now this is proper use of military force!
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