Dude Films Himself Getting Trapped in a Flooding...
- He’s really in the shit.
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Darts Player Lets Juicy Fart Rip During Live...
- C’mon, man — we know a wet one when we hear it!
25 People Who Definitely Regret Getting Tattoos
- How much is laser removal again?
Streamer Nadia Fills Cold Pool With Warm Diarrhea...
- "It’s actually extremely common," @PeetingDisorder...
Guy Forcefully Kisses a Squirrel to Advertise His...
- "That squirrel was gagged," @islandthembo tweeted.
Woman Breaks Guinness World Record For the Loudest...
- Kimberly registered a belch at 107.3 decibels.
Men Are Using Period Pads To Soak Up Their 'Gooch...
- 'Gooch grease' is now unfortunately part of the Oxford...
18 People Who Think They're Way Tougher Than They Are
- God forbid any of them actually had to get out from...
‘I Know it Smells Crazy in There’: Woman Reacts to...
- "I have a feeling they are insanely hot tho," one...
19 Trashy Pics That Should Be Burned in the Incinerator
- Smelly pics and images to take to the dumpster.
Some Poor Viking Dropped this Massive Deuce Over 1,000...
- You know what they say, records are meant to be broken.
Guy Finds the Most Pooped in Toilet in the World, and...
- What do you think is the most used toilet in the world?
Black Lung Is the Second Scariest Thing About Working...
- One of my first summer jobs was working inside of a...
'I Need to Go To the Hospital': Man Unleashes An...
- Guy downs an entire bottle of seltzer, and faces the...
Guy Asks For Legal Advice After Ruining Sensory...
- A Reddit user posted a question in the subreddit...
Clueless Bros Demonstrate Why You Should Call A Plumber
- These guys attempted to DIY repair a sewage line and...
Woman Knits a 'Shit Blanket' Documenting All Her Shits...
- After a full year of knitting and shitting, crochet...
26 Terrible Haircuts for Crazy People
- What did these people do to their barbers to deserve...
20 Trashy People With No Class
- The worst humanity has to offer.
24 People From The Trashy Side Of Life
- The dirtiest folks on your browser.
The Best of 'Strangest Media Online' For People Who've...
- Enough of normal online media.
Poop Truck Filled To The Brim Takes a Guy's Day from...
- If you thought YOU were having a crappy day, get a...
25 Annoying Things Young People Keep Doing
- Not all young people are bad, but there are a few...
Women of TikTok Are Shocked to Learn Their Boyfriends...
- Where do we stand on this important issue? Deep clean...
21 Trashy Pics That Belong in the Dump
- These should be taken out to the trash heap.
23 Trashy People Stinking Up Your Garbage Dump
- These people don't even go in the compost.
Six Times Celebs and Athletes Pooped Their Pants
- Pooping your pants is just a part of living this crazy...
Purdue Player Scores Touchdown, Immediately Vomits
- Football is all the way back!
Apollo 10 Crew's Floating Turd Incident
- Dropping a deuce in space can be challenging as the...
Ballparks Becoming Bone-Palaces as Baseball Becomes...
- This is the second MLB stadium incident in just as...
Health Insurance Denies Woman's Procedure, She Shows...
- What do you do when your health insurance provider...
Workers Destroy Management Bathrooms After Removing...
- A new kind of biological warfare.
Wendy Williams Serves up a Combo Burp-Fart to Her...
- She does it like a pro.
19 WTF Images to Make You Look Twice
- These photos are the ones that'll make you say,...
21 People Having One Heck Of A Bad Day
- When life decides to suck.
Teen Girl's Tearful Bathroom Breakdown Interrupted by...
- 18-year-old Fabbiha Afrin's bad day turned even worse...
Sims 4 Accidentally Added Incest to the Game
- It's sweet home Alabama in there!
Guy Turns His Toilet Into a Gaming PC
- When you gotta game, you gotta game.
20 Different Foods with Threatening Auras
- Not all of these are necessarily bad, but all of them...
21 Disgusting Pics That Are Also Super Satisfying
- Here are the most disgusting yet satisfying pics.
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