Dude Installs Sprinklers to Stop People from Pissing...
- They wet his driveway, he wets their faces.
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Controlling Boss Makes Workers Get Approval for...
- This controlling boss learned the hard way that there...
Prepare to Be Annoyed: Woman Treats Co-Worker Like Her...
- If you're going to pretend to be a higher ranking...
Oblivious Boss In a Bind after The Entire Night Crew...
- After finding out that his boss had no intention of...
Right to the Garbage Compactor: 40 Times The Universe...
- Moments when life seems like it is unfair or people...
I've made a Huge Mistake: 21 People You Should Not...
- Best not to tick these people off.
New Life Hack: If a Porch Pirate Steals Your Expensive...
- The rise of Amazon has spawned a new kind...
Entitled Customer Demands Refund or Close His Account,...
- This customer found out the hard way that you catch...
Middle Manager Forces IT Person to Fix His Problem,...
- If you're going to force an employee to prioritize...
Incompetent Boss Sabatoges Himself By Demanding...
- This employee enacts the simplest revenge by just...
17 Savage and Ruthless Facebook Comments Roasting 'OP'
- Don't make stupid posts on Facebook
20 Penny Pinching Tales of People Being Incredibly...
- There's a fine line between cheap and genius.
Office Pressures New Guy Into Buying Donuts for...
- Be careful who you haze in the office.
‘You May Now Move about the Cabin’: Obnoxious Seat...
- The adult passengers behind him were kicking his...
‘She Can Afford To Repaint It’: No One Is Weeping...
- Two eco-protesters from the Spanish climate activist...
Pizza Delivery Driver Trips Suspect Running From Cops
- Video shows a Philadelphia area pizza delivery driver...
Revisiting the ‘Beast Mode’ Bully Getting Smacked...
- In one of the greatest 'fuck around and find out'...
19 Times Instant Karma Taught People A Lesson
- People who got what they deserve.
21 People Who Got Caught in 4K
- These 21 folks had their lies caught in high...
Guys Challenges a Bull Elk And Instantly Regrets It
- After asking this Elk "You wanna' go bud?", the Elk...
Instructions Unclear: Two Wannabe Arsonists Set...
- I don't think they'll be winning arsonist of the year...
Baseball Bat-Wielding Moron Gets Leveled by Cop's...
- Boy got folded up like a flimsy steel chair.
22 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- It went right over their heads.
14 People That Made Hilarious Mistakes
- These are really embarrassing
Security Guard Absolutely Levels Fan Who Ran onto the...
- The best hit from college football's Week 11 was made...
Guy Sitting Next to the MLB Commissioner Crowd Sources...
- It's no secret that baseball fans are less than...
22 Brutal Comments That Left a Mark
- These smackdowns were fully warranted.
Shakira’s Cheating Ex May Be Forced to Wear Her Name...
- It was reported back in June of this year that pop...
Would-Be Package Thief Accidentally Headbutts Brick...
- A wannabe porch pirate nearly knocks herself out...
Paintball Barrage Stops Catalytic Converter Thieves in...
- They came for the catalytic converter but instead left...
Loser Dad Demands Participation Ribbon For Son, Ends...
- Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.
Entitled Owner Causes His Own Store to Shut Down After...
- This POS vendor has no issue doing exactly what he was...
Manager Demands to Use Worse System, Chaos Ensues
- The employees always know what's best.
Hardo Security Guard Requires Guests to Show Last 5...
- I've never understood the idea of cops thinking...
Workers Destroy Management Bathrooms After Removing...
- A new kind of biological warfare.
Students Prove Stats Teacher is Grading Unfairly Using...
- She taught them too well.
Woman Gets Former Neighbor’s Car Towed After They...
- Don't mess with someone's parking space.
Halo Speedrun Cheater Exposed When He Has to Play at...
- This cheater gets embarrassed in painfully cringe...
Guy Trolls Scammers and Watches Them Get Arrested on...
- In this super satisfying clip, "Scambait" pulls off an...
Homeowner Sets Up Wicked Trap For Would Be Theives
- A Southern California resident decided she's had...
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