25 Caked-Up Animals that Prove BBLs Aren’t Just For...
- When God created humans in his image, he gave us big...
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15 Criminal Animals on the Run from the Law
- Even pigs hate the pigs.
25 Freaky Examples of BDSM Taxidermy
- The internet can show you amazing things that change...
Boomer Yells at Man for Trying to Enter Store With His...
- Believe it or not, a service horse is a real thing.
40 Mutant Abominations Created by Mad Taxidermists
- If I were to sit here and list every movie, book, or...
34 Raccoons Being Nasty Little Freaks
- If I told you there was a species of stinky hairy...
Woman Catches Fox Taking a Piss in Her White Claw
- The flavor remained unaffected.
Seagulls Hunt Girl Down for Her Fried Oreos
- They almost got her!
20 Animal-Centric Randoms to Return to Nature
- There is something about seeing people with the Mike...
Deer Flattens Dude in Fast Food Parking Lot
- Special delivery!
Watch a Dolphin Spin Around Just for the Hell of It
- Look at it go!
25 Pics of Animals Taking a Stand Against Humans
- Between zoos, exterminators, and hamburgers, it’s...
People Are Now Doing Illegal Street Takeovers with...
- Turns out you don’t need a car to tear up the road.
Watch a Python Climb a Tree
- It’s… weird.
43 Animals with Unique Auras
- Animals were put on Earth by God to amuse and feed us.
25 Vintage Pics of Whalers Hunting Monsters of the Deep
- These pics make Captain Ahab and his crew look like a...
20 Famous People with Their Strange Pets
- Some celebrities got weird animals to match their...
People Playing With Tortoise Accidentally Make It Bust
- Animals have needs just like us.
Bear Gets Told to GTFO by Two Angry Pigs
- They told him who was really boss.
32 Animal Embryos That Look Like Baby Aliens
- The smaller and younger the baby animal, the cuter it...
Watch a Seagull Eat a Squirrel
- I, uh, didn’t know they could do that.
31 Animals Cursed With Two Heads By a Vengeful God
- We all know that if we praise the heavens with the...
46 Tiny Demons from the Microscopic World
- Big animals are really scary, but it's the tiny ones...
25 Animals Awaited in the Halls of Valhalla
- When a warrior dies a valiant death on the...
Woman Gets Into Fight With an Ostrich
- If you find yourself fighting an ostrich, you’ve...
34 Animals God Designed While Off a Perc
- God is creative, but he may have gone too far with...
28 Funny Pictures from Zoo Escape Drills
- An animal escaping from a zoo is a rare but dangerous...
This Woman’s Job Is Collecting Horse Sperm
- Somebody’s gotta do it.
23 Mummified Animals that Would Make Really Good Jerky
- Last month, scientists discovered the perfectly...
Here's How They Get Silk (Without Boiling the Silkworm)
- They usually just boil the worm.
Massive Snake Invades City
- Pack it up, boys, we gotta get out of here.
Professional Camel Riding Is Mesmerizing
- If you didn’t know that camel riding was a job, you...
Woman Casually Carries Angry Lion Down the Street
- She’s braver than most.
Putting Them in the Fridge, Burying Them Underground:...
- Goodbye, fellas! See you next year!
45 Monkey Cowboys Going Bananas at the Rodeo
- If you didn’t know monkey cowboys were a thing,...
Watch Elk Pee All Over Themselves to Celebrate Mating...
- Ladies, is this what you’re into?
Sheep Escapes Detroit Butchers Market, Goes Out on the...
- Sheep, meet Detroit.
Watch a Bunch of Penguins Fall Over
- Hahaha, suckers!
Woman Filming Cute Video Gets Face Humped by Pet Rabbit
- That’s just how it shows affection.
27 Beached Whales That Turned Into Methane Bombs
- Is nature beautiful?
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