Drunk Guy Gets Run Over By Train, But Somehow Walks...
- You know what would help with that pain? Another drink!
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Dude Hits Perfect Pump at Gas Pump Challenge
- Big respect to our man Tom.
Tornado Hits News Station As They’re Reporting on It
- Coming to you live from the heart of the action!
Two Guys Pull Woman Off Train Tracks Right As Train...
- Well, that was close.
11 Celebrities and Famous People Who Served in the...
- Just because you know a celebrity for their music or...
20 Cool Looking Toilet We Need to Use ASAP
- When you gotta go you gotta go.
20 Random Posts We Found Deep in the Web
- The weekend is finally here, so it back, relax and...
22 Blessed and Cursed Cows from the Breeding Cattle...
- Do cows dream in electric sleep?
21 Photos of 1970’s Muscle Cars We’d Die For
- All we want are aggressive lines, a gearstick in hand,...
20 Rare and Weird Pics from the SufferingMeat Archive
- “Success is never owned, it is rented, and the rent...
Watch a Monk Try to Play Super Mario Without Killing...
- Let’s get this guy to play GTA, huh?
14 Weird and Unexpected Things That Have Bubbled Up...
- The ocean is deep, scary, and filled with freaky...
‘Thank God It Didn’t Smash My Big TV’: Woman Has...
- She’s in good spirits about the whole thing.
15 Eccentric Photos of Mark "The Bird" Fidrych: The...
- Fidrych managed to capture the hearts of fans in...
Man Is Really Good at Pretending to Get Shot in the...
- A skill he’ll hopefully never have to use.
Watch These 1999 Dudes Freak Out About Their...
- Can you imagine playing PlayStation on this baby?
Watch These 1999 Dudes Freak Out About Their...
- Can you imagine playing PlayStation on this baby?
19 ‘Animal House’-Style Pics from College Parties...
- “My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.”
19 Odd Randoms You Can Only Find Online
- Another look into the archive, another look into my...
23 Randoms from the Supremejesuslover Archive
- Open your third eye with some random pics from the...
25 Pictures of Eggs in Various States
- Omne vivum ex ovo: “All life comes from an egg.”
Dude Invents Handheld Wind Turbine That Can De-Ice...
- Earplugs in for this one!
22 Alien-Themed Memes and Works of Art for True...
- I was born in the wrong body, maybe even on the wrong...
15 Insane Photos of When Two Trains Rammed Into Each...
- The Crash at Crush.
21 Photos of What Life Looked for Astronauts in the...
- Although NASA could have rested on their laurels after...
Nunchuck Master Juggles Ping Pong Balls Like...
- He’s really going for it!
Here’s What Happens When You Grab a Cable With...
- I dare say that it’s pretty… shocking.
20 Animal-Centric Randoms to Return to Nature
- There is something about seeing people with the Mike...
The 20 Best Randoms You'll See Today
- This archive collection has got to be one of my...
19 Fresh Randoms to Spend the Day With
- An especially interesting combination of pics from the...
17 Random Pictures That Summarize Life Online
- Another installment consisting of 20 pictures from the...
20 Internet Randoms to Think Long and Hard About
- 20 pictures from the archive for you to think long and...
19 Bizarre Pics You Can Only Find on the Internet
- Another abstract collection from the camera roll for...
20 Random Pics Collected from the Web
- Another offering from the camera roll.
18 Curious Randoms Found Deep in Our Phones
- Another 20 pictures carefully extracted from the...
20 Fresh and Cool Randoms Collected from the Edges of...
- This is another collection of 20 pictures that have...
20 Fresh and Cool Randoms Collected from the Edges of...
- This is another collection of 20 pictures that have...
30 Car Mods That Would Make a 10-Year-Old Boy Say,...
- Modifying cars is a wonderful hobby, but it can...
Here Are the Crazy Ways Airlines Prepare for Hostage...
- How do I get this acting gig?
Cops Are Now Doing TikTok Reviews of Their Favorite...
- Everybody wants to be an influencer these days.
eBaum's Picks