Tomorrow, members of the House Oversight Committee will take part in a closed-door briefing on UFOs, but while the American government is focused on things in the sky, people in South America are more concerned about giants in the hills; especially since multiple alleged sightings in Mexico went viral this time last year. 

And now, just a week after conspiracy theories of 10-foot-tall aliens in Miami, a series of four videos posted to Instagram by saradalete show even clearer “10-foot-tall beings” in the mountains of Ilha do Mel off the coast of Brazil.

“One thing I know...I won't ever step foot there again,” one person commented. “I don't believe they are human! After some military personnel already said they had seen it in the Amazon…” someone added.

But as odd as these beings appear, many viewers offered up a very simple and much more plausible explanation: Puppets.

Who knows what Congress will hear tomorrow, but hopefully it comes with a little more proof and higher-quality footage than these clips. 

As @amyalby2904 added, “Every possible alien sighting caught on camera always looks like it’s been taken with a Nokia potato.”