Boomer Learns Through Force That You Can’t Smoke...
- Light up, get lit up.
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It Happened Again: Two Planes Crashed Into Each Other...
- Luckily, no one was hurt this time.
30 Portraits of Ugly Inbred Royals
- Here are some faces only a mother could love and...
30 Car Mods That Would Make a 10-Year-Old Boy Say,...
- Modifying cars is a wonderful hobby, but it can...
Annoying Influencer Ruins Famous Tourists Destinations...
- Is all this really worth it?
Watch ‘Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful Suck Shit at...
- Guitar, drums, investments—is there anything this...
35 Photos of Botched Cosmetic Enhancements
- Beauty standards have changed over the centuries as...
Watch These Two Guys Learn How Not to Tow a Car
- Well, you got exactly zero parts of that correct....
Amazon Driver Hops Into Front Seat to Stop Car from...
- Did it work? You be the judge!
Man Getting His Jewelry Store Robbed Reacts Like...
- I get you’re freaked out, but *that’s* how...
40 Memes and Reactions to Biden’s Second Career as a...
- Joe Biden? The actor?
26 Dummies Celebrating the Downfall of the Department...
- Being able to read is overrated.
Teller Laughs at Dude Trying to Rob Her With a Butcher...
- A genuine case of “you call that a knife?”
32 Deeply Frustrating Images to Make You Squirm
- A perfect collection to give people with OCD horrible...
Streamer Gets Robot, Bullies It So Hard It Kills Itself
- Like it or not, this is the future.
Aussie Tricks Entire Country’s News Media by...
- Turns out, it’s pretty easy.
11 Rockstars With the Worst Wax Museum Tributes
- *turns off AC*
Is Our Poor Diet to Blame for School Shootings? This...
- Surely it can’t be the guns.
Another Dude on Nitrous Has Crashed Their Car While...
- Haven’t we learned that this is a bad idea?
27 Fresh Tweets from the This Week
- Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving.
Guy Burns Down Whole Truck in a Matter of Seconds
- Not a good idea to put a fire near flammable things,...
Trump Says He Can’t Go to the Site of the American...
- I mean…he’s not wrong, exactly.
Driver Confuses Pedals, Plows Car Straight Into...
- If you mix up the pedals on your own car, maybe you...
40 Things People Are Upset about This Week
- Everyone's mad about eggs and also some political...
28 Tweets and Memes from the Great Egg Panic of 2025
- Chickens will be the new billionaires soon.
13 Medical Drawings from When Doctors Were Just Trying...
- The medical field has come a long way.
Streamer Gets Hit By Car While Live, Immediately...
- Patiently waiting for “being a content creator” to...
20 Vape Shops Named by Maniacs
- What is it about naming a vape shop that immediately...
Congressman Responds to Removal of School Lunches by...
- That’s, uh, not what we were talking about.
Woman Lights Cig While Pumping Gas, and the Expected...
- Fire and gasoline mix really, really well — which is...
Two Dudes Try to Bring Table on Escalator, Fail, Then...
- This went about as bad as it could go.
34 Comments and Comebacks That Roasted People to a...
- The art of roasting is delicate, but the internet has...
20 Brutally Honest Dating Memes That Cut Deep
- Delete Tinder, throw your phone out the window, and...
Russian Dad Visits America, Isn’t Impressed
- What, you don’t like freedom?
40 Cursed Pics Found in the Trenches
- Wash your eyes with soap after scrolling.
Classic Rock Songs Attract an Odd Amount of Sad...
- The only place we can truly see what’s going on in a...
Boomer Gets Caught Stealing Tip Off Table at Restaurant
- Of course, he says it was just one big...
FSU’s ‘Brain Rot Contest’ Shows How Far We’ve...
- Is it skibidi? I don’t know, and I don’t want to.
Woman Tries to Get a Leg Up By Standing on Paint...
- Use a chair next time.
Dude Tries to Rob Store With Plastic Gun, Falls Over...
- Aww…he’s trying so hard!
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