We can scream “the house always wins” until we’re blue in the face, but no matter what we do, some people won’t get the message.

Instead of gambling a few dollars here and there, these gamblers will place risky bet after risky bet, getting a rush from the minor amounts of money they win before losing it all on a stupid play.

I’m not making light of this issue. Gambling addiction is real and definitely not helped by the fact that gambling is now advertised pretty much everywhere. I’m just saying that things can get really, really bad if you get hooked on gambling — so bad, in fact, that you might feel the need to start throwing chips at strangers.

Guy throws a tantrum at the Casino after losing his life savings.
byu/GreenSnakes_ inPublicFreakout

We’re not exactly sure what happened here — OP says he lost all of his money, while the original poster of the TikTok makes no such claim.

Regardless, we can assume that whatever happened before this wasn’t good, as it led to the gambler climbing on top of the table and throwing chips at people. Hey, free money!

Redditors agreed that something must have gone horribly wrong — and that the man’s troubles weren’t going to end with the lost dough. “Jail is a safer option than going home to his wife,” said one user.

“I understand the movie Casino is a dramatization, but I can’t imagine that guy didn’t get some sort of beating after they got him into the back,” offered another.

Again, I’ll say it one last time: THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS.