Can you fail a driver’s test so badly that they take away your ability to drive for life?

Right now, no. However, after seeing this video, I think some of our legislators might consider putting in such a law as soon as possible.

The video shows a course for those who are learning how to drive. It’s pretty easy: make a few turns, stop and yield where appropriate, all things that a competent driver or well-trained primate could do.

Unfortunately, this driver is neither of those things. The video shows just how badly one can fuck up a driving test, ranging from riding up on curves to, eventually, going full speed into a pole.

According to The Sun, the driver was a 63-year-old woman from Buenos Aires, Argentina, who somehow only suffered minor injuries after the accident. As for why she drove so badly, she simply says that she “got nervous.”

No word on if they ended up giving her a license, but let’s just say the odds are no bueno.