I know you’re dealing with other stuff right now, but my Whopper was undercooked!
If a fast-food worker fucks up your order, congratulations, you’ve experienced what it’s like to eat at a fast-food restaurant. While price increases have made fast food a luxury to many, the people actually cooking the stuff are still the same underpaid, overworked employees that they’ve always been, and as a result, some screw-ups are going to happen.
If this happens to you, you can do one of two things. First, you can just take it. Second, you can go back and try to demand a refund like this woman did — only in your case, you probably shouldn’t entirely follow this woman’s lead, as she seemed to ask for her refund while the building was on fire.
Entire Burger King is on fire while Karen still demands her refund.
byu/c2lbsy inPublicFreakout