Usually, when you go to the movie theater, your biggest fear is that the movie is going to suck. However, things can always go much, much worse, as these moviegoers in the Philippines learned.

According to ABC7, a group of around 350 were gathered in the theater to celebrate a company relaunch when someone noticed water dripping from the ceiling. Soon, a few drops became a stream — and that stream became the entire goddamn ceiling.

Mark Evans, the CEO of the company having the relaunch, described a terrifying scene. “Everyone had started to evacuate themselves without assistance or instruction. The water started to flow even faster, and was now gushing like large, powerful waterfalls, and we were shocked by the volume of the water,” he wrote.

“People were caught under the collapsing ceiling, and a few managed to crawl upwards to safety along the ground, and towards the top of the cinema where our Global Support Manager John hurried staff and guests out a single exit door by the viewing box.”

Evans claims nine were wounded at the time, though other sources put the number at six. Thankfully, it seems that no one died as a result of the events — though I’m sure they’re going to reconsider their next trip to the movies.