Unhinged Karen Threatens to Get CEO Fired by...
- Just when you thought the Karens had reached peak...
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Karen Complains About Karen-themed Halloween...
- The witty display was likely a lighthearted jab at the...
Ted Cruz Gets Greeted by Cop After Going Full Karen on...
- The Senator reportedly wanted names and titles because...
Woman Has Entire Life Ruined after Refusing to Put Her...
- Dog leashes are there for the safety of humans too, it...
Elon Musk Is No Longer The King of Nerds
- The Billionaire wants you to go back to work.
NYC Mayor Got Rekt for Acting like a Total Karen
- Tolerance for acting like a Karen is at an all time...
Karen's Have Had Enough of the Misogynistic Karen Meme
- The Karens are upset that we keep making fun of them...
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