Filing this under “things I could have happily gone my entire life without knowing,” former colleagues of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recently revealed that, amongst other things, The Rock pees in water bottles to save time when shooting movies.

According to an “insider who knows the movie star well,” “On set, away from his trailer, if he needs to pee, he doesn’t go to the public bathroom. He pees in a Voss water bottle and his team or a PA has to dispose of it.” Unsurprisingly, this upsets crew members, particularly those tasked with disposing of the bottles in question, but what can you do when a star as big as The Rock tasks you with something, no matter how ludicrous the request?

Insiders also told The Wrap that The Rock often shows up as many as eight hours late to set, which would go part of the way to explaining why he feels so determined to save time that he pees in bottles. Pro tip, Dwayne: If you’re on time, you might be able to spare five minutes every now and then to make the trek to a bathroom.

The article that contains these revelations is an examination of the production of Red One, an upcoming action/comedy film starring Johnson, Chris Evans, Lucy Liu and several other big names. Filming began in October 2022 and wrapped in February 2023, but had to be done around Johnson, who, in addition to often being late, missed several days of shooting; this blew out the budget by $50 million, bringing the total to $250 million.

The film was initially scheduled to be released on Prime Video by Christmas 2023, but was delayed until November 2024, with the studio citing the SAG-AFTRA strike as the reason. The film will now receive a theatrical release, and considering the star-studded lineup and release in time for Thanksgiving, it will probably do well, but these horror stories beg the question: When is a star too big to fail, or, more accurately, to be held accountable for his behavior?

Most of The Rock’s movies wouldn’t be described as good by any stretch of the imagination, but they’re usually reliable seat-fillers, particularly during the holiday season. For studios who prioritize money above all else, this would likely be enough of a reason to continue to overlook behavior that would see a less-famous actor functionally blacklisted.

At least we know that with this kind of diva behavior on sets, The Rock is extremely suited to that life in politics he’s been hinting at for years now — being an asshole is essentially a requirement for those guys.