They may look cool, but they can kill you.

There’s a lot of unpredictability out on the open seas. However, sometimes you get moments of tranquil and calm, like what’s visible in the video below.

Unfortunately, this calmness is deceptive. These are what’s called “square waves” or “cross seas,” and they can be really, really scary for sailors.

Why? Because they create an unstable and unpredictable surface that’s near impossible for sailors to navigate. They occur when two different wave systems moving in different directions interact. Boats, in contrast, are designed to deal with waves from one direction — and so, when square waves come, it can be difficult to maintain stability.

It also makes navigation tough, as the inconsistent wave direction makes it hard to plot a safe course. But damn it if they don’t look cool!

One of the most dangerous waves in the ocean, the Square Waves
byu/therra123 inNatureIsFuckingLit