Yes, this looks like something from a movie or perhaps generated by A.I., but it’s all too real: Vladimir Putin took Kim Jong-Un for a ride in his luxury car, because sometimes reality is actually more ridiculous than anything any writer could ever come up with.

In a video of the drive shared to social media, Putin is driving and gesturing wildly while talking to Kim, who’s playing passenger princess and laughing jovially at whatever hilarious thing Putin is likely saying. We can also see an aide in the backseat who doesn’t look like they’re wearing a seatbelt and desperately looks like they wish they could be part of the conversation. Sorry, babe, this convo is for despots only.

The purpose of the drive, besides being a blatant photo-op, was to show Kim the Aurus, a Russian-made luxury limousine on the drive around Pyongyang, on what was Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years. It’s believed that Putin was visiting the country in an effort to obtain weapons for his country’s invasion of Ukraine.

With almost everybody else in the world rejecting them, Putin and Kim have realized that they really only have each other. As such, Russia and North Korea recently signed a mutual defense pact as both country’s relationships with Western powers have continued to break down.

Social media users were incredibly amused by the footage. One popular tweet reads, “they’re so cute, too bad they gonna blow us up,” while another references a popular meme with, “2 queens coming together to maximise their joint slay!!!!”

It wasn’t all car rides in the sunshine, however. One video from Putin’s visit shows an arena of Koreans singing and cheering as Putin and Kim both sit completely still, looking totally unmoved and perhaps even bored out of their skulls. You’d think they could muster up a slight smile for their adoring public, but they do not.

Honestly, you could easily cut all of the footage from this trip together to make a fairly compelling bromance movie, although doing so would undoubtedly make you an enemy of both Russia and North Korea. Take the above video of Putin waving out the window of his departing airplane as Kim and his aides stand on a red carpet, continuing to wave even as the plane begins to taxi. Truly heartwarming stuff.

The movie could end with a voiceover of someone reading a sentimental quote as Putin’s plane pulls away. Something like, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”