Dude Exposes $300k+ Houses for Being Made Out of...
- Houses these days aren’t made like they used to be.
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Bernie Sanders Hosted an Event With a Virtual Cat Boy
- I cannot wait for this election season to be over.
26 Vintage Pics of Dudes in Hair Pieces
- Here are some vintage pics from before society...
Woman Attempts to Evade Truck Trying to Tow Her
- They can’t tow you if they can’t catch you!
Driver Catches Most Obvious Insurance Fraud Attempt...
- Not only did they ruin their car, but now they’ve...
Insert Foot into Mouth: 21 Overly-Confident People Who...
- It can be hard being this thick.
Ultra Cheap: 23 People Being Overly-Thrifty and It's...
- They saves some money, but at what cost?
Why Are the Packers Tweeting About Catching 'Hot Piss'?
- Professional football is overstuffed with idioms and...
21 Insane Scenes from Inside Megachurches
- It’s insane, funny, and a genuine spectacle similar...
People Are Freaking Out While Riding in Self-Driving...
- For years, we’ve been told that self-driving cars...
Guys Call Out Hurricane Victims for Insurance Fraud
- Okay, did you really need to narc on this guy?
Man Gets Caught Cheating and Pulls a Wallace and...
- And outside of a CrossFit gym, too!
Should've Double Checked: 19 Funny Fails, Embarrassing...
- This gallery is designed is designed to give you a...
25 Facepalms and Fails Found in an Online Gutter
- From Mr. Beast's moldy cheese, to guys being dudes in...
35 Late-Night Pics Filled With, 'No Thanks, I'm Good'
- We genuinely hope you’re happy, satisfied, and...
The Construction of Mount Rushmore, Told in 24 Photos
- The controversial monument like you've never seen it...
Dog Eats Whole Bag of Edibles, Doesn’t Feel Like...
- Duuuude, I’m a dog. That’s craaaazy.
29 Pics of Hover Hand For the Hall of Shame
- In the Hall of Shame, there are many different kinds...
28 #1 Fans Who Give Off Bad Vibes
- New York Comic Con just ended, so the cosplayers are...
Dude Recovers After Hospital Literally Tried to...
- The phrase “new fear unlocked” gets thrown around...
Woman Dumped After Moving Across Country for Her...
- Your first mistake was living in Los Angeles!
‘Tickle Torture’ Videos Aren’t Very Funny at All
- Some people have tickling fetishes.
Woman Runs from Cops, Steals Their Car, Then Crashes It
- These cops really took a series of L’s.
Woman Drives Onto Train Tracks, Tries to Get Train to...
- How many more times do we have to say “don’t drive...
Police Chase 83-Year-Old Man on a Riding Lawnmower
- Quick! He’s (somehow) getting away!
Couple Gets ‘Fixer Upper,’ and Husband Immediately...
- I think I know what the first repair is going to be!
Man Ruins Massive Pool Competition with Just One Beer...
- With great drunkenness comes great irresponsibility.
A.I. Shows How the Pyramids Were Made (It’s Giants)
- For centuries, historians have debated exactly how the...
Kid Lets the Door Hit ‘Em Where the Lord Split Him
- And stay out!
Dad Perfectly Handles Karen With a Bit of Sarcasm
- You don’t like to call people Karens, but sometimes,...
Watch a Bunch of People Take Smelling Salts and Lose...
- More effective than a cup of coffee!
Man Doing Backflip Kicks Another Dude in the Face
- This is why you leave some room for Jesus.
Rich Dude Explains How He Parks Anywhere Because He...
- I’m both angry and jealous.
Beluga Whale Hits the Air Pipe, Does Sick Bubble Tricks
- He’s like your friend’s older brother, only cooler...
45 Late-Night Pics to Keep You Up
- You’re gonna be up all night through the weekend...
These Mysterious Blobs Popping Up on the Shores of...
- A mysterious blob-like substance has started appearing...
TV Push-Up Contestant Really Looks Like He’s Trying...
- He hasn’t done a single rep, but he looks like...
Man Gets Visit From Police Because Parrot Won’t Stop...
- Is it a simple mistake? Or a coverup for the perfect...
Desert Dirt Biker Crashes Into Unexpected Toilet
- That really threw his trip into the shitter!
Man Stops to Laugh at Car Accident, Then the Car Blows...
- This is why you should always drive *away* from the...
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