24 Funny Tweets That Capture the Mood
- It's like a newspaper but the only section is the...
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Nirvana's "Come As You Are" Sounds Deranged as Swing...
- Nirvana doesn't actually sound like a bad name for a...
21 Funny Pics That Were No Accident
- Show these to your friends to make them think you're...
38 Funny Pics and Memes to Help You through the Day
- Stuff to help slay boredom.
Interview with Hyperrealistic Cake Sculptor on the...
- If we're all cake then who's the knife?
21 More Funny Tweets to Give You a Good Laugh
- Random jokes designed for a good time.
36 Cool Pics and Funny Memes for Your Satisfaction
- Stuff to entertain your brain.
"When Harry Met Sally" Fake Orgasm Scene but She's...
- According to the guy who shared this video, it was...
25 Funny Fresh Memes to Keep You up to Date
- These memes may have been microwaved a little bit but...
Kanye West Ended His Presidential Run in 11 Days, So...
- Whelp, it was dumb while it lasted.
59 Funny Memes That Prove We're Living in a Simulation
- These memes will put a smile on your face guaranteed...
Fans Lose Their Minds at NFL Team Washington Redskins...
- At least the "Washington Foreskins" would make people...
25 Funny Memes Just from Today
- Commence the laughter, please.
37 Funny Twitter Jokes You May Have Missed
- The quickest way to catch up on all the latest laughs.
30 Nuggets of Twitter Comedy Gold
- No political nonsense here, I promise. Just good ol'...
Tumblr Thread Sifts Through Legal Loopholes of Davy...
- Some people have way too much time to look into these...
54 Funny Memes for the Price of $53.99
- The freshest memes this side of the Atlantic.
KW Miller Has the Funniest Twitter Account of All Time...
- Amazing how someone this dumb can even stay alive for...
Donald Trump Proves Once and for All He Has the...
- Truly inspiring stuff.
26 Relevant Memes to Read Instead of the News
- Get your meme tank filled up in under a minute.
25 Decent Memes Worth a Chuckle
- Enjoy these while they're still fresh.
Johnny Depp's Drug Habit Gets Aired Out in Most...
- Dude can't catch a break, but he sure could catch a...
Wayback WHENsday: King Curtis Will Never Give Up His...
- All hail the king of bacon and chicken nuggets.
22 Brand New Memes with a Real Sense of Humor
- You'd be laughing if you clicked this link already.
19 Reactions to Kanye's Presidential Run That Show How...
- Kanye can't even take himself seriously so no one else...
27 Distinctly American Pics and Memes Just in Time for...
- Nothing's more American than apple pie and memes.
Britney Spears "Freestyle" Dancing Looks like a Broken...
- Watching these videos is not good for your brain.
21 Beavis and Butt-Head Lookalikes to Celebrate Them...
- How many times can this cartoon get rebooted?
Designer Trolled IKEA by Just Putting a Giant IKEA...
- Trolling has never been this lucrative.
Wayback WHENsday: "Your Business Card is Crap" Dude Is...
- Most viral stars already look like con artists. Only...
Meghan McCain Got Trolled with Fake Mt. Rushmore Memes...
- Mt. Meme-more lookin' pretty fresh.
Rick Astley Covering Foo Fighters Isn't Nearly as...
- If we had to see this then so do you.
18 Funny Reactions to Aunt Jemima Getting Cancelled...
- Nancy Pelosi's gonna have to pry my Aunt Jemima bottle...
15 Funniest Reactions to the New "Pokémon Snap" for...
- U.S. Gov't: "We need something to distract people from...
William Shatner Said He Would "Do Himself" and Twitter...
- This is what happens to your brain after years of...
40 More Fun Facts to Cram in Your Cranium
- Come learn things you never knew you never knew.
Watch as Cops Take the Bait in this "We Have Coke"...
- "Officer we have some coke in our trunk..." The boys...
Comedian's Anti-NASCAR Rant Captures Hypocrisy of...
- The "emotional support beer" at the end is what makes...
Dan Bilzerian Gets Roasted Trying to Crowdsource Title...
- Paying $5,000 to get insulted just makes financial...
Funny Memes of Trump Holding Books He Might Actually...
- You don't even have to know how to read to enjoy these...
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