"Wheel of Impressions" With Kevin Spacey
- A game of celebrity impressions and Halloween themes.
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21 Acts Of Vandalism That Don't Suck
- Funny and creative examples of "vandalism art".
27 Things We All Can Relate To
- Thoughts and feelings from situations we've all been...
Guy Touches People's Faces During Interview
- The most awkward interviews these people have ever...
Brazzers Logo Makes Anything Dirty
- Random pictures with a Brazzers logo are instantly...
21 First World Problems
- Horrible predicaments that 80% of the world's...
"Whose Line Is It Anyway" Gets Crazy
- The 'jobs you shouldn't do in a sexy way' category...
Restaurant Owner Talks About How She Deals With High...
- Owners of a Chinese restaurant recall their experience...
Well, Technically They're Not Wrong
- They do have a point...
The Hardest Motherf***er You'll Ever Meet
- This guy's a hustler, a badass, and more. (NSFW...
Jim Carrey Pokes Fun At Matthew Mcconaughey
- A spot-on parody of Matthew Mcconaughey's Lincoln...
Two Guys Find Russian Chuck Norris In The Woods
- They see a man passed out by the road when suddenly......
Magic Trick Leaves This Guy Mind-Blown
- The "instant cannoli" magic trick from the TV show...
30 Facebook Wins And Fails
- Embarrassing and awesome posts we can all laugh at.
The 12 Inch Pianist
- You don't always get what you really want...
Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them
- We want the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
27 Guys With Huge Balls
- Manly men proclaiming their alpha male status!
Man Doesn't Want Obama Touching His Girlfriend
- President Obama gets "heckled" while casting his...
Grown Men Get Scared At A Haunted House
- Watch out for Betsy The Bushmonster!
24 Clever Ways To Protest
- Creative ways to get your point across.
When The DJ Plays Your Favorite Song
- This is how you react:
Runner Carries Injured Competitor
- This teen was faced with a tough choice in her final...
Randy Orton RKOs Everything
- Once again, No one is safe from Randy Orton's...
I'm 11, So Shut The F**k Up
- This little girl is definitely cut out for the thug...
35 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to indulge your...
Ridiculous Yelp Reviews Of National Parks
- These reviews on National Parks will make you facepalm.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Stranger Rescues Man From Burning House
- A random stranger rushes in to save a women's father...
Things Men Would Do For Sex
- Family Feud reveals the things married men would do...
People "Zombified" By Alcohol
- The "Walking Dead' theme turns drunk people trying to...
Badass Biker Dog Waves To Other Bikers
- Sweets the English Bulldog see's a biker wave at us...
Royals Fan Scares Reporter
- An enthusiastic fan startles KMBC sports anchor live...
Shia LaBeouf Tells The Greatest Story Ever
- A captivating tale of Whiskey, Cabaret and run-ins...
Randy Orton RKOs Everything!
- No one is safe from Randy Orton's finishing move, the...
18 Puns That Are So Bad, They're Good
- These are too punny.
Kid Goes Full Diva On Live TV
- This kid saw an opportunity to shine, and he ran with...
Vanity License Plates That Are Just Perfect
- These people's personalities are expressed where...
34 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
20 New Names For Everyday Things
- Once you hear them, you'll be convinced that they make...
Randy Orton Attacks From Out Of Nowehere
- He sneaks up on this unsuspecting kid and delivers a...
eBaum's Picks