10 Of The Most Hated People On The Internet
Pop Culture
Some of the most infamous people the web that people love to hate.
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Hunter Moore started a porno website specifically devoted to those who wished to "get back" at their exes by posting nude photos of them to be featured on his website. To add insult to injury, the features' full names, addresses, and social media links were also added. Anyone who attempted to protest was mercilessly ridiculed. Moore dared anyone to attempt legal action since it would never work, as the pictures were usually willingly posted somewhere on the web, originally. Unfortunately for Moore, tho, one man who discovered his young daughter was a feature had some friends at the FBI. They raided Moore's home, confiscating his PC, cell phone, other devices, and publicized all personal info online, including his SS number. Moore was forced to close his website but lied like a pussy about it, claiming he simply didn't feel like "dealing with the drama". Soon he won't have to deal with earnings, either, since the case is still open due to his victims going for his bankruptcy. -
"Making the Bus Monitor Cry" was the name given to a couple of videos uploaded by 7th graders after they viciously harassed, threatened, and assaulted Karen Huff Klein, an upstate NY bus monitor, on the ride home. The woman resisted sinking to the childrens' level, even when one insisted her family "killed themselves so they wouldn't have to see her", and deduced that her weight made her sweat, when in reality she was weeping at the attacks. Klein was a 68-year-old grandmother with a son who committed suicide 10 years earlier. It's unclear as to whether or not they knew this. The only reason she didn't destroy these kids' lives by having them charged criminally was, ironically, because she felt bad at the overwhelming influx of death threats, beatings, and home vandalism they received, which occurred as a result of their dumb decision to post their videos. BTW, this actually happened not 20 minutes from where I live - I know people who actually made arrangements for payment to deliver packages and notes to these kids' homes, and have heard LOTS of interesting after-stories. -
Pamela Foreman was the religious nut who posted the YouTube video "praising God" for the Japanese tsunami and its resulting "message to atheists". Whether she was legit or just a failtroll was unclear, but nobody cared. Within days her personal info was discovered and spread, packages arrived at her door relentlessly, sites around the web demolished her, and attacks and threats galore commenced. Maybe she should have prayed a little harder. -
You should watch what you say to people. Taylor Chapman was a woman from Florida who went into a Dunkin' Donuts one day and filmed herself going off on the workers. Bad enough she spewed profanities, racism, and hateful speech, but she was proud of it and insisted it would go on Facebook and YouTube to earn "a million fucking hits". It's a year later, and Chapman has lost her job, deleted all her social networking accounts, and has changed her phone number numerous times. Websites' unbelievable numbers of blasting articles, commentary, and threats were more than she could handle. Today, her few defenders are claiming "lifelong mental illness" as an excuse for her actions. lol. -
"Life is short, have an affair!" is the catchphrase for Noel Biderman's website, which is dedicated to anyone unhappily married and looking for an affair. Regardless of how many people bitch and whine, or how many countries and religious groups attempt to get at Biderman, he still has a net worth of about 100 million. -
Apparently Jackie Chan is now the most hated celebrity on Chinese web. In a country where the people are using the internet's anonymous gateway as a tool to proclaim hatred for the government, here's Chan praising the "quality of air" in one of the most polluted cities on the planet. If that weren't bad enough, he goes on to explain how the Chinese "need to be controlled", otherwise too much freedom will cause them to "become like Hong Kong, a big mess". Word has it he also told his son he's getting zero of his fortune. -
Melissa Bachman proudly posed behind a dead lion on her Twitter feed, causing a major uproar and a stream of harassment - involving actual attempts to get the country of South Africa to ban her future entry. Although the contempt is understandable, it is highly unlikely anything will change. Bachman's actions were 100 percent legal in SA, complete with proper permits. Not to mention this kind of hunting is what drives SA's economy and pulls in tourism. Plus, all meat from hunted animals is always divvied up between hunger charities. Despite this, Bachman closed her Twitter profile. -
Mary Snell and Britton James Engel, mother and son, ended up charged with animal cruelty after becoming that notorious couple who "stuffed a puppy in a plastic bag for Facebook". They later tried to claim the poor pup was too rowdy and they wanted to illustrate how tiny he was... -
Thunderf00t is the YouTube name of Philip E. Mason, British scientist and documentarian famous for his work "Why Do People Laugh at Creationists?" available for free. Naturally, very shortly into his stint as skeptic and blogger, he received a slew of ridiculous complaints and hate mail from religious freaks the site over. One user in particular, VenomFangX, ended up becoming a focal point in Mason's doc, with his illogical and rambling faith-based pseudoscientific arguments, rants, and attacks on Mason taking center stage during several scenes. Mason ended up using Venom's entire effort against him, which not only incited the unmerciful attacks and hatred of fans, libs, and trolls by the thousands, but ultimately ended with Venom admitting defeat by deleting his account. -
Justin Bieber definitely has a massive group of haters. But we're not just talking about the inevitability of 15-25 year-old guys hating on a superstar they know girls dream about at night. In Latin America, it's almost a job to hate on the Biebs in every corner of social media - but it's not just about a superstar - it's scarily just as much about the indulgence of spoiled American children. After wiping his feet on the Argentinian flag, spray-painting walls of historical buildings, and only getting social with Latin chicks if they were within a strip club, people of these lower territories are literally out for Bieb blood. And of course, when a really young, filthy rich, spoiled American star can get away with anything, it tends to incite more emotion than jealousy. -
- 10 Of The Most Hated People On The Internet
- 26 Common Misconceptions