15 Hotel Staff Share Their Most WTF Moments
Nathan Johnson
Any job that involves cleaning up after people and smiling in the face of utter a**holery is going to be a tough one. Thus it comes as no surprise that veterans of the hospitality industry tend to have more than a few war stories to share. Down below are 15 hotel horror stories to make your skin crawl.
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“My uncle used to work at a crappy motel in upstate NY. One day a customer complained about his room smelling so my uncle took note and carried on with his work. The next day another customer complained about a smell in their room — it was the same room. He walked in and immediately smelled it. It smelled like it was coming from behind the bed so he tried to move it but couldn’t. He removed the mattress to make it easier (the bed was a solid oak frame that went down to the floor and a mattress that sat on top of it).Underneath the mattress inside the square oaken frame was a dead body. They later found out it was a mob killing and they stashed it there a week or so ago and it began to smell and permeate the mattress and oak frame. He didn’t work there much longer after that.” -
“My uncle used to work at a crappy motel in upstate NY. One day a customer complained about his room smelling so my uncle took note and carried on with his work. The next day another customer complained about a smell in their room — it was the same room. He walked in and immediately smelled it. It smelled like it was coming from behind the bed so he tried to move it but couldn’t. He removed the mattress to make it easier (the bed was a solid oak frame that went down to the floor and a mattress that sat on top of it).Underneath the mattress inside the square oaken frame was a dead body. They later found out it was a mob killing and they stashed it there a week or so ago and it began to smell and permeate the mattress and oak frame. He didn’t work there much longer after that.” -
“I worked as a front desk agent at a Marriott for years. During the winter season we would have high schools that would book out the entire hotel for a big ski trip to a nearby resort. The instance that stands out in my mind however is the night a young man OD’d on the first floor hallway. He was unconscious on the floor and when paramedics arrived, he had no pulse and needed to be defibrillated back to life. He was taken to the hospital for a few hours, but somehow was allowed to leave. He came back that same night to his friends all in the lobby and shouted “WHO’S READY FOR SHOTS!!” THE GUY FUCKING DIED AND CAME BACK A FEW HOURS LATER TO PARTY. Unbelievable.” -
“When I got a call to let a locked out guest into their room and came across a disheveled looking Kid Rock waiting outside of his suite wearing a gold thong.” -
“Someone put fucking Chicken Bouillon Cubes in the shower heads.” -
“I’m a set up manager at a hotel for big events. I was double checking all the rooms before I went home for the day and I went into one of the event rooms and flicked on the lights. I shit you not there was a grown ass naked man in the dark. He like flinched when I turned the lights on and it scared me. I sorta yelled “what are you doing”Turns out he was swimming and needed a place to change. Instead of just going to his room like a normal person would, he chose a dark event room.” -
“Worked in a motel when I was 17-18. I was at the front desk not working when the housekeeping guy called me to check something out in a room that was being cleaned. I go up there and the housekeeping guy is standing in im the middle pointing up to the ceiling. There was a set of bare foot prints on the ceiling which is atleast 10 ft high. Bare. Not shoes or slippers and only in the middle and no where else. There’s no way he jumped that high upside down and no prints on the walls either.” -
“We like to talk about which hotels are the most haunted. There is one that is notoriously more haunted than the others. One story that sticks out is a friend was plugging in an XBox in a creepy ballroom. The kinect discovered him as player 1, and then discovered a player 2 standing next to him. There was no one else in the room, but the player 2 arrow on the screen was right next to him. Then the player 2 arrow just walked away and out of view of the screen.” -
“My dad used to work in a hotel. A few years ago, he hears a scream from a maid as she’s cleaning one of the rooms. He runs in, and there’s a giant python just chilling in the bathtub. This thing is apparently like four feet long. They tried to track down the couple who had just checked out of the room, but the number they’d given the front desk wasn’t working. Eventually animal control showed up and took the snake.” -
“Not me but my cousin worked in a pretty popular hotel in New York City. There was a particular room that was always unoccupied and the hotel workers would use it to take naps. My cousin threw her coat on a chair that was facing the window and took a nap in the bed. She said she felt the weight of someone getting into the bed and she immediately sat up. There was no one in sight, but her coat was now on the bed and the chair that had been facing the window was facing the bed. Could’ve easily been her co-worker creeping but still spooky.” -
“Going on 20 years ago, I worked at a Holiday Inn. There were always a number of people that actually lived there, paying for rooms by the month. You’d see them at the bar. Hell, one guy was so trusted we gave him keys to the kitchen. He’d go in there late at night and make the front desk sandwiches. One of these dudes was walking around one night with a paper lunch sack full of hundred dollar bills. He was going up to everybody he could; at the bar, in the lobby, and gave out his hundos.People actually complained about it because it freaked them out a bit. Not me, I took a hundred. The next morning he was found dead in his room by the cleaning crew. Suicide.” -
“Used to work the night audit (11pm-7am) shift at a La Quinta. My best friend was our maintenance man. I got a call around 11 from him, venting about how he was about to walk out on La Quinta. Apparently every house keeper adamantly refused to clean a room because there was literally shit sprayed on the walls, ceiling, and carpet.It had been smeared in to everything. Apparently, the people occupying the room had made an initial attempt to clean their mess, then left the room to the poor cleaning ladies. Our manager forced my friend to clean it. I convinced him not to walk out on his job.” -
“I mean… I guess it’s not paranormal or anything but I’m a house keeper and yesterday I was at work and I touched a used condom with my bare hands because it was in a bedside shelf and I thought it cellophane from a cigarette pack. That was pretty scary.” -
“One of the hotels I work at was changing their room layouts, and when they moved a bed they found a red pentagram painted (I hope) on the carpet beneath it. Nobody could figure out how long it could’ve been there. Not too crazy really bit a little weird lol.” -
“My uncle used to work in a hotel as a pool cleaner. He told me that he would find a turd in the pool almost every day and they weren’t required to change the water. Don’t use pools at hotels.” -
“Right here at work a few nights ago during night shift. I was typing up an email to a customer and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I ignored it for a moment, and kept working. Then it sunk in: It was a fucking person just staring at me through the window. As I turned my head they slowly walked out of my view towards the parking lot. So I hauled ass outside to confront them and they were gone. Not a soul in sight for miles. I couldn’t shake the feeling I was being watched the rest of the night.”
- 15 Hotel Staff Share Their Most WTF Moments
“My uncle used to work at a crappy motel in upstate NY. One day a customer complained about his room smelling so my uncle took note and carried on with his work. The next day another customer complained about a smell in their room — it was the same room. He walked in and immediately smelled it. It smelled like it was coming from behind the bed so he tried to move it but couldn’t. He removed the mattress to make it easier (the bed was a solid oak frame that went down to the floor and a mattress that sat on top of it).Underneath the mattress inside the square oaken frame was a dead body. They later found out it was a mob killing and they stashed it there a week or so ago and it began to smell and permeate the mattress and oak frame. He didn’t work there much longer after that.”