16 Creatures That Will Give You The Creeps
Matt Arone
Animals & Nature
A collection of fascinating and awesome creatures that will make you say "Nope!"
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House Centipede - This MOFO can grow up to 15 pairs of legs, could live in your home, kills and eats insects or arachnids. Despite the looks, it only grows to around 7-10 cm. -
The Scorpionfly - this insect is completely harmless to humans and acts as a regular bee does, pollinating and buzzing. The obvious "scorpion tail", is actually its genitals. They also steal insects from spider webs and present them to the females as a "box of chocolate". -
The Barreleye Fish - A unusual and bizarre fish sometimes called "spook fish", obviously related to it's transparent head.The head is transparent because the eyes are located inside the head in those green blobs. They point upwards so it can see prey or incoming threats. -
The Camel Spider - basically a mix between a scorpion and a spider. The jaws of this horrid creature can reach up to 13% of it's body length! Not venomous, but scary as hell. -
Botfly Worm - These buggers are the offspring of the botfly, which lay their eggs on people or animals, the eggs hatch and the larvae digs in under the skin. You won't notice until it's as huge as a over sized pimple that digs in your skin and you have to pull it out... -
The Nut-Cracking-Pacu-Fish, Henrik Carl of the Natural History Museum of Denmark warned male swimmers to keep their trunks tied tight. They bite because theyre hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouths, he said. And its mouth is not so big, so of course it normally eats nuts, fruit and small fish, but human testicles are just a natural target. Its not normal to get your testicles bitten off, of course, but it can happen. -
The Tarantula Hawk - A Tarantula Hawk is a spider wasp which hunts tarantulas as food for their babies. When the wasp has made her kill, she will drag the body to her hiding and plant an egg in it's abdomen, which will hatch into a new nightmare! -
The Bobbit Worm - Armed with sharp teeth the bobbit worm buries itself under the ground and silently waits for it's prey with it's antennas sticking right up. Known to attack at such speed and ferocity that it's prey sometimes get cut in half! -
Isopod - While it's not really dangerous the Isopod looks just as scary as the rest, it lives in water or on land and contain rigid exoskeletons. Varying sizes occur, from 0.3 mm to 50 cm -
Hercules Beetle Larvae - Totally not dangerous, totally disgusting though... The Hercules larvae can grow up to 11-15 cm and weigh well over 100 grams. This is also the bugger Mr.Grylls swallowed. -
The Size of the Hercules Beetle Larvae compared to a banana. Nope -
Sarcastic Fringehead - A small but ferocious creature which has an big mouth is very territorial. They're located in the pacific and can grow up to 30cm. -
Kinabalu Giant Red Leech - The giant red leech can grow up to around 30cm in length and only feeds on worms such as the giant blue worm in the gif. Usually feared in the Kinabalu Park after rain. -
The Candiru - The "vampire fish" or "toothpick fish" is a really small fish that inhabits the Amazonas. Now what this little "cutie" is known for is swimming up your urine in to the penis. To make matters worse it has two spikes on the sides which makes pulling it out very painful. -
The Hag Fish - Growing to a size of half a meter and has mucus generating glands on it's body, this is to help it's feeding process which is: Slithering through the preys gills or openings and then eating it from the inside. They mainly focus on dead or injured fish, so you may call them bullies. -
The Immortal Jellyfish - This jelly is the only known species that is capable of reverting completely to a sexually immature, colonial stage after having reached maturity. So, when it dies, it curls up like most creatures would signaling the end, and then emerges anew from it's own carcass. -
The Dobsonfly - Can grow up to 15cm, and are armed with 4cm saber-shaped mandibles that CAN be used to bite.
- 16 Creatures That Will Give You The Creeps
- 23 Weird & Wild Traffic Moments
House Centipede - This MOFO can grow up to 15 pairs of legs, could live in your home, kills and eats insects or arachnids. Despite the looks, it only grows to around 7-10 cm.