17 Small Movie Details You Probably Missed
Nathan Johnson
If you're a cinephile, you might already know a few of these movie easter eggs, however, the average moviegoer most likely missed these small movie details.
If you like cramming your noggin with fascinating facts, well then we have plenty more articles about movie facts we think you should check out.
If you like cramming your noggin with fascinating facts, well then we have plenty more articles about movie facts we think you should check out.
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In Batman, the painting that the Joker has his eye on is “The Blue Boy” by Thomas Gainsborough. The same painting hangs on Arthur’s wall in Joker. -
In Soul, the first soul assigned is #108,210,121,415. This matches the Population Bureau Estimate that over 108 billion people have existed on Earth. -
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Snape helps the Order of the Phoenix by redirecting McGonagall’s spells to take out the two Death Eaters behind him. As he teleports away, he grabs their wands before leaving to completely disarm them. -
In Pulp Fiction during the robbery scene, the coffee shop manager says “Don’t shoot me, I am just a coffee shop…” before being cut off. In the credits, the actor, Robert Ruth, is credited as “Coffee Shop.” -
In Hercules, Hades says “Guys, relax, its only halftime,” at the 46-minute mark. The movie is 92 minutes long, so it really is the halfway point of the film. -
In Rogue One, when Darth Vader performs a force choke on someone, he closes his thumb and pointer finger as to simulate closing the windpipe. In the end though, he grabs a rebel trooper and clenches his fist to crush the soldier’s windpipe. -
In Baby Driver, when Baby orders a coffee, the heart on the graffiti is black. After he sees Debora though, the heart switches to red. -
In Forrest Gump, according to Tom Hanks, Forrest’s inaudible speech at the anti-war rally was:“In Vietnam, your best friend can get shot. Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.” -
In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the Daily Prophet reported that Amelia Bones was found murdered in her home. Bones was the witch that defended Harry in the Order of the Phoenix so Voldemort had her killed. -
In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka’s distant father had framed newspaper clippings of his son’s life. This was inspired by a trip that Tim Burton had taken to see his dying mother. -
In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, a B1 battle droid bumps another droid to tell him to watch General Grievous activate his lightsabers. -
In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, to create the illusion of de-aging, Bernard Hill acted the scene four times in different make-up and the visual effects team morphed all the footage together. -
In Liar, Liar, Jim Carey makes a cameo in his own movie as Fire Marshal Bill – his iconic character from In Living Color. -
In Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Davy Jones holds on to his hat with his tentacles as the Flying Dutchman goes under water. -
In Jurassic Park, the insect trapped in the amber is an elephant mosquito, the only species of mosquito that doesn’t suck blood. -
In Avengers: Endgame, Ant-Man has orange slices ready for Hawkeye after Hawkeye goes through time travel. This is in reference to Ant-Man asking for orange slices in Captain America: Civil War after transforming from Giant-Man. -
In The Dark Knight, the old man that stands up to the Joker is Senator Leahy. Leahy has appeared in five batman films and donates all his money from the cameos to charity. One of which is the library where he read comic books as a child.
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In Batman, the painting that the Joker has his eye on is “The Blue Boy” by Thomas Gainsborough. The same painting hangs on Arthur’s wall in Joker.