17 Terrible Accidents That Occured During Filming
Kenneth Coo
Sometimes the movie scenes get more real than you suspect.
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1. Twilight Zone: The Movie. Director John Landis was pretty irresponsible when he allowed a real helicopter to fly perilously close to his actors during filming of The Twilight Zone. The helicopter lost control and the rotor blades decapitated actor Vic Morrows along with a 7-year-old Vietnamese child, while another child was crushed by the same helicopter. -
2. The Crow. Brandon Lee was shot during the filming of The Crow, when the crew failed to properly remove the primer from dummy cartridges they converted from real live rounds. -
3. The Conqueror. Following filming, 91 members of the cast and crew developed cancer. This might have been due to the location of the set, which was on a former nuclear test site. -
4. XXX. Stunt double Harry L O’Conner was filming a particularly difficult scene, which required him to rappel down a line onto a submarine. Tragically while filming this scene, he hit a bridge and died instantly. Amazingly the scene was kept in the movie, edited to remove the final tragic incident. -
5. Top Gun. Art Scholl was a stunt pilot who lost control of his plane while filming a scene for Top Gun. His plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean and his body was never recovered. -
6. Pearl Harbor. A stunt plane accidentally hit a palm tree and crashed during filming. The pilot survived and the scene was left in the movie. -
7. The Edge. Anthony Hopkins accidentally fell into a river during filming and was immediately rushed to hospital with hypothermia. -
8. Jumper. In a terrible accident, a set dresser was crushed to death underneath a wall of frozen earth and ice as he tried to tear the set down. -
9. The Final Season. Roland Schlotzhauer was a cameraman on board a helicopter while filming a parade scene, the helicopter struck power lines and crashed. Schlotzhauer was the only one killed. -
10. Fury. Stuntmen were preparing for a battle scene when one of them was stabbed in the shoulder with a bayonet. -
11. Thor: The Dark World. It’s not often that one of the main cast is severely injured, but that’s exactly what happened when Jaimie Alexander slipped off a metal staircase while filming. The actress suffered a slipped disc in her thoracic spine, chipped 11 vertebrae, dislocated her shoulder and tore her rhomboid. -
12. Now You See Me. Isla Fisher couldn’t unlock her shackles while filming the ‘water chamber scene’. She was stuck in the chamber for almost three minutes and almost drowned. -
13. The Hobbit. It has been alleged that as many as 27 animals died during the making of The Hobbit trilogy. -
14. The Expendables 2. One scene in the movie required a rubber boat to explode. Something went wrong in the process and one stuntman was killed, while another was left in a critical condition and required five hours of surgery. -
15. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Daniel Radcliffe’s stunt double David Holmes fell while filming a stunt and severely injured his spine becoming paralyzed. -
16. The Hangover Part II. Stuntman Scott McLean suffered permanent brain injuries while shooting a stunt which required him to put his head out of a moving vehicle. His head was clipped by an oncoming car and he ended up suing Warner Bros. for damages. -
17. The Dark Knight. During the filming of a car stunt, cameraman Conway Wickliffe was killed when the car he was travelling in missed a 90-degree turn and crashed into a tree.
- 16 Extraordinary Words That You Need to Know
1. Twilight Zone: The Movie. Director John Landis was pretty irresponsible when he allowed a real helicopter to fly perilously close to his actors during filming of The Twilight Zone. The helicopter lost control and the rotor blades decapitated actor Vic Morrows along with a 7-year-old Vietnamese child, while another child was crushed by the same helicopter.