
17 Dive Bar Pics That Trigger Some Very Specific Nostalgia

If your parents were anything like mine, they spent most of your childhood in a bar. There's nothing wrong with it. I turned out fine, I just write for eBaum's World.

Jokes aside, I was raised that way. Taco Tuesdays at 'Bachelor's' down the road. Wing nights at 'All Stars.' Learning who Tom Petty was by flipping through albums on the jukebox. It wasn't always pretty, but that was my childhood.

There's a special sort of nostalgia that comes from thinking about dive bars. As a kid there's no reason I should've been there. But my sister and I made the best of it. Whether it was asking for quarters to play games, or asking waitresses for crayons and drawing on the back of menus.

This was back when you could smoke in bars, and nobody gave sh*t. It also didn't help that our town had more bars than churches. Anyway, this one's for all the misfits who remembered every bartender's name and knew what a poker run was by the time you turned 10 years old.
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