20 Creepy and Paranormal Experiences That People Shared
Depending on who you ask, you'll typically get two different versions of opinions on the truth behind paranormal phenomena. Some say it's all fake and some people believe it whole-heartedly.
And thanks to the true believers of r/AskReddit, we've collected stories from people who not only believe in the paranormal but have stories and encounters of their own with beings and entities "not of this world."
So if you get easily spooked, or if you happen to be reading this before bed, there's no shame in sleeping with the light on.
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When I was a teenager me and some friends were using a Ouija board and nothing was happening. We took a break, moved on to other things like telling dirty jokes and listening to music. An hour or so later three of us are sitting in my friends bedroom talking and the board is still on the table in the middle of the room, when all of a sudden the planchette flies off the board and lands on the floor. Just like someone had quickly swatted at it with their hand. We didn’t use it anymore that day. u/adultblanketfort -
I work in a cemetery. One evening I had stayed late to do some catch-up work. I was taking pictures of some granite samples to have on my phone and had already locked up. I was alone. As I was holding my phone, I heard the doorway to the basement swing open, slam shut, and heard footsteps go down the stairs. I froze. I thought for sure someone had come in. I called out to see if it was someone from maintenance. No reply. I got scared because if it wasn’t them someone had broken in. I stayed still for a bit and listened then called out again. Nothing. Finally, I got brave enough to look. No one there. I peeked down the basement, empty. All the doors were still locked. u/DannyPantsgasm -
When I was 3 I told my parents that my great-grandmother came to me in a dream and said her feet didn't hurt anymore (I think she had problems due to diabetes or something). She had died that night, they received the call shortly after I told them. Not paranormal, but a spooky coincidence. u/snoosh00 -
My dad was in hospital with a serious brain tumor, the hospital was about 40 miles from me and he was in no shape to even keep awake. One night I was chatting to a friend on MSN (them days, yup) and he asked how my dad was, I turned to my left and I saw him sat in his chair just looking at me, I replied "Think he's ok, sat in the room with me" to which my friend said "isn't he in hospital?' I looked again and nothing. I never mentioned it to anyone, told my friend I must of been seeing things. Dad survived and still here today. Cut to about 21 years later and I met up with my dad and just having a chat, he says "Something been on my mind for years son and can't shake it off, when I was in hospital, I remember being at home sitting in my chair, you was on the computer and you looked at me... then I woke up in hospital, but it felt too real to be a dream".... thats when I told him my experience. u/MywarUK -
I don’t believe in paranormal activity but my grandparent’s house is considered by many to be extremely haunted (it’s part of a tour of haunted houses in the LA area and according to legend was part of the inspiration for American Horror Story). There are tons of stories but the one I experienced myself was when I was living there as a child. I was about 6 yo and my older sister was 12 and we shared a room. My mom had decorated our bedside table with an antique telephone that didn’t work and was not plugged in. My sister and I were asleep and for some reason, we both woke up at the same time and turned to face each other. I remember feeling an extreme feeling of dread. Then the phone rang in between us. We locked eyes and both hid under our blankets til it stopped ringing. We both thought it was a dream because we didn’t say anything for years about it, then one day she was talking about it and we realized we had had the exact same experience. u/sophlog -
I went with my best friend during highschool for summer vacation to his grandparents' who live in the countryside in Japan. I stayed in his mom's old room which has a small wall closet. just above this closet was a smaller closet door (like a foot and a half tall and about 3 feet wide) just above it. Weird design, but their house is old. The first couple weeks, I was pretty jet lagged and Japan is hot and humid, so I didn't really sleep at night. If my light was off at night though, I always felt uneasy about that small closet space. Something about it just felt darker than the rest of the room. Toward the end of the second week, I started to adjust to the time difference. One morning, I woke up and that small door was open. It was unsettling, but I closed it and just thought maybe it wasn't closed all the way and came loose. A couple nights later, I woke up feeling uneasy. It was dark and I could kinda see, and I could see that small door was open. It was much darker than the rest of the room; like black, pitch dark. This was the first and only time I experienced "paralysis." I was too scared to move, say, or do anything. I just felt this darkness coming from there. I don't remember sleeping that night, but I must've because I remember waking up the next morning. I told my friend about it, who said his mom told him about something like that, too. When we got back home, and I talked to his parents, his mom kinda joked with me, "So, I heard you met the ghost." u/Issualave -
My family's old house backed on to a pretty substantial, forested ravine. I slept on the ground level floor, and my room was at the back of the house. On 4 separate occasions, over the span of 5 years, I saw a middle-aged man dressed in a flannel shirt, blue jeans, and a red hat walk through my room with a dog leash in his hand. He would briefly stop at the same spot every time, and look around, then keep walking towards the ravine. I should note that this was fairly new construction in a suburb of a small city, and all that had been there previously was forest. u/mikeytruelove -
At my mom's old apartment, I used to have this feeling I was always being watched. Then I was starting to wake up at 3:00 am consistently. On one of the nights I had woken up, I heard someone call out my name, it was a women's voice but I didn’t recognize it. She kept calling out my name and walking towards my bed getting closer but I didn’t see anything. I freaked out, jumped off my bed, and ran into my brother's room. I hopped into bed with him and tried waking him up. The punk sleeps like the dead he still sleeps like that. I heard her footsteps follow me to his doorway. After that every time I woke up in the middle of the night I just ran into his room and slept on the top bunk (we had bunk beds). My mother still doesn’t believe that happened. u/malditotish -
My Mum confessed that my imaginary friend taught me to read and they were very freaked out about it. Thanks Duncan, I have no memory of you whatsoever and have no idea where I got the name Duncan from but I still enjoy reading so I appreciate the lessons. u/RaspberryNo101 -
When I was 6 I slept on a bunk bed in a room alone, the bottom bunk was empty (was meant for my younger brother but he was too scared of sleeping in a bed alone). So I was alone in that room that night, I remember a chilling feeling that night then it suddenly got really warm, probably because I was undergoing a night terror of some sort. Then I start breathing heavily and open my eyes and see the room is empty. my little night light in the corner of the room comforts me back to sleep, except as I closed my eyes I felt a heavy hand petting my shoulder, my eyes rip open and there was no one in the room. As soon as I lay back down the petting continued and I covered my head just pretending to myself that it was my mom it took me 12 years to stop sleeping with my head under the covers because of that memory. u/lefatcatmat -
One time I woke up in the middle of the night and i checked my phone to see the time, and then as I was about to lay down and close my eyes I checked in front of me and a huge tall humanoid shadow figure was standing there blocking the view of a broken wall clock and I just started panicking and it still was there after many seconds and eventually it just disappeared after I looked away from it for a second. u/AppleIsTheBest124 -
I was awoken one night to a loud crash in my bathroom. I went in and all of the things on my sink top were in the middle of the floor. I mean, about 3 ft away from the sink. Everything. Not just one thing fell over and knocked the other into the sink, but toothbrush, toothpaste, hairgel, face wash, e4, handsoap... All on the floor in the middle of the bathroom. What was even worse is that, between waking up and going to check out the bathroom, as I crossed the landing back to my room I noticed a light had come on downstairs. I went down and both the hall light and living room light were on, except none of the light switches were in the 'on' position. I had to click the switch on/off to make them switch off. I was living on my own at the time and it freaked me out a little bit, but I'm still in the same house and have had no other experiences. u/AcademicNose7 -
At least once every couple of years, I'll be walking around the apartment at night, when it's dark, but I can still see enough to get around, and I'll have some shadow/figure type thing suddenly come out of nowhere and get right up in my face, so close that I can feel like I'm breathing on it. It disappears immediately after. u/coldshadow31 -
I was young (around 6ish) and sleeping in my bedroom, I woke up extremely early like my brain making a Metal Gear '!' sound. In the center of my room was a man, he was blonde with messy hair, deep blue eyes, tannish, with sandals, torn denim shorts, and no shirt. Like a total surfer bro kind of look. He stood there looking to the left towards the closed windows then at me and he smiles softly. He slowly places his finger to his lips and shakes his head slowly telling me to be quiet. I felt intense fear and closes my eyes tightly for a few seconds and when I open them he was gone. Neither footsteps, creaking, or any window or my door were opened. He was there then suddenly he vanished. u/Akibawashu -
I'm skeptical of these things at the best of times, but once after a late shift at work (a popular science centre in the UK that was built unknowingly on a mass grave) I was talking with a colleague and my manager. All the main lights were off aside from the Cafe where we were so it was pretty dim light. She casually brought up that she thought the building was haunted, so I thought I'd bite. She brought up the aforementioned mass grave and as she did the cafe light began to flicker ominously. We were stunned silent for a minute before she just said "see you tomorrow?" And we all agreed and hurried out of there. -
My brother was on the phone once with his gf when she started saying that she could hear some old lady asking my brother for a glass of water. There was nobody around him so he ignored it but she kept on insisting. He hung up the phone and went to check on our grandma who was in her bedroom and found her dead. Fast forward a couple of years, around 11pm, I was on the phone with a girl when I saw a guy on a bicycle go past (phone was by the windowsill. Same spot as my brother) . That's when I noticed she stopped talking and asked her if she was still there. She apologised as she thought I got into trouble. I said no and asked why she said that and she replied with someone was telling me to "stop talking on the phone, it's late. Go to bed." I was on my own, everybody in the house was already asleep. I asked her if it was an old lady and she said yes. Told her it's my grandma and that the same thing happened to my brother. She started talking about ghosts and stuff so I told her I'm hanging up and bolted into my room. u/ghentres -
I used to have a recurring nightmare about skinny tall man in a trench coat slowly walking towards me. Had his creepy cold face burned into my brain Pretty common stuff. Years and years later i was coming home from college, called the elevator, doors open and - i almost crapped myself... That skinny tall man in a trenchcoat is looking straight at me, from the mirror. I dont know how a child's brain can predict exactly what they will look like in their youth, but yeah, it was creepy. u/Pequod47 -
I saw a ghost sleeping in the same bed as my brother at a bed-n-breakfast in Gettysburg. u/ccottonball -
Woke up one night to a loud screeching noise, similar to the screech the nazgul make in LOTR. The entire room was flashing rapidly in bright colors, my computer turned on for a split second, enough to get the fans rattling, and my computer screen had static on it. The entire ordeal was over in less than a second. I still don't know if it really happened or if my brain was just playing me tricks. u/Rearandeasq -
My older sister's old flat had a lot of weird issues. She had it exorcised twice. Turned out someone died in the house, as well as someone was murdered on the doorstep. Her bf would come in from work, and would feel like someone punched him in the back of the head, on more than one occasion. You'd hear him shout in pain as he came in the door. My then 18 month old niece was lying next to my sister trying to have a nap, and my sister could hear her daughter giggling, and saying , " stop, I go sleep now" ! And trying to play with an invisible figure. One night, I was staying over, and had a terrible nightmare that a demon was trying to kill me, and I screamed at it to leave, before fighting it off. The next morning, my sister comes into the living room really groggy, and tells me she had a horrible nightmare around one in the morning, about a demon trying to kill her. My nightmare was exactly the same time as hers. u/tiredandstupid82
- 20 Creepy and Paranormal Experiences That People Shared
- 19 Accidental Eminem Lyrics Spotted in the Wild
When I was a teenager me and some friends were using a Ouija board and nothing was happening. We took a break, moved on to other things like telling dirty jokes and listening to music. An hour or so later three of us are sitting in my friends bedroom talking and the board is still on the table in the middle of the room, when all of a sudden the planchette flies off the board and lands on the floor. Just like someone had quickly swatted at it with their hand. We didn’t use it anymore that day. u/adultblanketfort