20 Most Savage Wendy’s Twitter Roasts Ever
In 2018 people are becoming brands and brands are becoming people.
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Here are a few examples of the restaurant’s hilariously savage Twitter roasts: Starting with this solid dig at McDonald's: -
Here they are giving someone a much-needed lesson on where beef comes from:Do you know why Wendy’s burgers are square? Because they don’t cut corners -
This one has several layers. It starts innocently enough: -
First, they simply educate the misinformed follower. But thing don’t stop there.The follower continues trying to escalate the situation:Still, Wendy’s doesn’t rise to the bait. -
But then he brings McDonald’s into this. Wendy’s reply is straight-up savage…Here's what they said:Ohhhhhhh snap! Did he get left too long on one of Wendy’s burger grills? ‘Cause I smell burning. -
Here we see Burger King attempting to step to Wendy's social media throne:That’s right. They dared to offer a “5 for $4” deal in competition with the Wendy’s “4 for $4” deal. Think Wendy’s was content to sit back and watch that happen? -
Think again.The sound you just heard is of a mic that has come into swift contact with the ground. ‘Cause Wendy’s just dropped it. -
Here's what Wendy's had to say about finding good friends:Remember, you can’t pick your friends’ favorite restaurant. But you can pick your friends based on their favorite restaurant. -
Some people actually want Wendy's to roast them.And boy, they sure do deliver. -
It started with a simple insult.And bam. They’ve been sufficiently roasted. (And Wendy’s didn’t even take the easy route and point out the original grammar mistake! Way to go the extra mile, Wendy’s.) -
Seriously, how did they expect Wendy’s to respond? Even if restaurants did sleep, Wendy’s wouldn’t have time to. They’re open late, you know.mes their roasts are as simple as pointing out the obvious. -
Again with the McDonald's!I know they were probably just asking as a joke, but I’d really like to see this situation play out. Someone pulls up to the McDonald’s drive-thru window and immediately asks for directions to Wendy’s. It’d be hilarious. -
Who could forget this classic?You’ve got to love a good old-fashioned “delete your account.” It’s the perfect way to communicate that you don’t want to engage because the original comment isn’t worth your time. -
Alas, poor Clavlin.I don’t really see what Convin is so upset about. Cheer up, Kevlar! Look on the bright side: At least you didn’t get burned as bad as this next guy, Ryan… -
Spellcheck, dude.Well, they may not set their chicken on fire, but the same cannot be said of their Twitter followers. Here’s hoping Ryan made a speedy recovery. -
Hardee's tried their hand at competing with Wendy's. Once...It did not go well for them. And they blocked Wendy’s as a result. -
Another time, someone tried to insult whoever's behind the Twitter account.Big mistake. Huge. -
Feeling hungry? Here's what Wendy's recommends:Oof. Yeah, there’s no coming back from that one -
At this point, things are getting pretty meta. -
Wendy’s is good at social media. And Wendy’s knows they’re good at social media. Keep up the good work, Wendy’s! Share these hilarious roasts with someone who could use a laugh today!
Here are a few examples of the restaurant’s hilariously savage Twitter roasts: Starting with this solid dig at McDonald's: