20 Most Disturbing Things People Have Ever Seen in Person
We've sourced the internet for some of the most disturbing things people have ever seen in person.
Thanks to AskReddit, we've collected some of the most disturbing experiences people have had first-hand.
Thanks to AskReddit, we've collected some of the most disturbing experiences people have had first-hand.
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An elderly man on a bike get hit by a truck. I had to hold his head together with my shirt to try and stop the bleeding until the ambulance came. -Overanalytical_Love -
Domestic abuse in the middle of a street. I thought they were strangers and that she was trying to get away from him and he wouldn't accept it. He kept holding on to her and trying to drag her with him while she kept begging him to let her go.
We stopped and she looked at us and asked for help. He took off when he saw us walk towards them. She then let us know that they were married but at least she wouldn't get beaten up that night since we interfered. She would go spend the night at her sister's place, and she wouldn't divorce him because there were kids involved. -WrestlingWoman -
Video of my husband cheating!! -Scarletxoxo22 -
Probably seeing the burn marks on a pediatric patient who was desperate for help due to persistent SA from a family member. Never been so pissed in my life at someone I had never met. Wish I could have broken the perpetrator’s orbitals, so he could never look at another child the same way again. -Zestyclose-Eye-1789 -
I saw a small deer get hit by a truck (regular F150) at 60 mph. Up until that point I HAD NO IDEA those impacts literally make a body explode into chunks and create a small cloud of red in a split second. -ace_cube -
My own mother being attacked by a dog while holding the cat I had grown up with. Our neighbors raced greyhounds and our cat was sun-baking outside on the veranda, one of their greyhounds had escaped the pen they were housed in and wasn’t wearing a muzzle.
Unfortunately our cat was the first live thing the dog spotted at the same time my mother walked out the front door.. She tried quickly grabbing the cat but by the time she had gotten to him the dog had reached our verandah, knocking my mother off onto the ground a few feet down and began to fight for both of their lives.
Luckily I was home at the time as well as my father who was asleep after a long night at work, I heard her screams for help, ran outside to the scene and was stunned for a few moments before screaming for my father who raced outside to try separating the dog from them both who had by this time ripped shreds into my mother’s arms and dislocated our cats hip but luckily both were alive. -Consera -
A man that was pulled into a wood chipper. -AcanthocephalaGlass5 -
I watched my husband dive in to our pool and break his neck. I have it on video actually. He made a full recovery, thankfully, but the trauma docs said his type of injury leads to either death or paralysis about 95% of the time. He was very lucky. -SpecificJunket8083 -
When I was about 9 years old our family was staying at a campground on a river in northern Michigan. A 2 year old boy had wandered off and was missing. The entire park was looking for him. After about two hours with no luck some of us began looking in the water at the ends of the docks nearby.
When I dove down in about 4’ of water I found him floating just off the bottom of the river. I pulled him to the surface and shouted for help. The EMTs made an effort to resuscitate him. To no avail. As horrible as that was, the thing that I will never forget was the sound his mother made when I carried him ashore. I still enjoy boating and swimming, but I have a very healthy respect for the water. -upshot -
A friend in high school drove drunk to his gf's house leaving a party due to an argument.. Well, he didn't make it there. Anyway, his parents made it a point to have an open casket at his viewing - they wanted the lesson to be made clear to all of his friends and peers. I don't remember his real face anymore, just the bloated mess that remained. -monsterlife17 -
Entering a friend’s place for the first time without prior knowledge that he was/is a hoarder at age 40. total shock. Dude has normal job, friends etc. but an absolute hoarder. Dead mice in the flat, trash in the kitchen reaching almost to the ceiling, mould everywhere on one wall of the bedroom. I didn’t dare to use the bathroom… Utter shock. -Revolutionary-Mud194 -
Someone jumping off of a building. I’m haunted by the mental image of blood/cranial matter splattered around a very limp body. -LezBeAnt -
I watched a guy get sucker punched outside a club (not uncommon where I used to live) but he fell back and hit his head and a pool of blood started spreading from the back of his head. -bishsticksandfrites -
Was riding with my dad and siblings one morning on our way to school. There’s a bridge we drive under everyday. That morning we all saw a body hanging from that bridge. -simoj2 -
One time I was having a sleepover at my friends house, and she died in her sleep. Waking up & seeing her was pretty disturbing. -Careless_Control_675 -
The humvee up ahead of mine getting blown up. (There was a humvee in between us.) -GenaralHelious -
About 8 years ago I working as a train conductor, my locomotive engineer and I hit a young woman with an 8,000 ton freight train traveling 40 mph. After applying the emergency brakes, it was my job to get out and visually check to see if we indeed had an accident. I found her contorted body in seemingly impossible ways near the side of the tracks. -sabo81 -
Watched a woman get stabbed to death by her baby daddy in front of their kid. He said later he did it cause he didn’t want her to take care of the kid. Happened right outside my school too. -asaniis -
In Dayton, Ohio around 2015 went to an airshow where the big attraction was a wingwalker (you stand on top of a plane as it does tricks) The announcer was really hyping up the woman as she performed talked about how she was a wingwalker as a hobby and her children were here in the stands watching etc etc. Plane went down for its final trick, a corkscrew that leaves the plane upside down a few hundred feet above the ground. Corkscrew was successful and the plane was upside down, pilot lost control and immediately nosedove in to the dirt, Was close enough to the plane to watch her get torn to pieces seconds before the plane exploded. -Unclegrizz -
I was no contact with my abusive addict mom for many years. She passed in 2020; a sheriff's deputy found her during a wellness check. It was declared that she had been dead for a couple of weeks in July heat with no utilities.
My father and I drove to her house the day after they removed her body. You could smell the decomposition from a block away. She had cancelled trash services and had 3+ years of garbage bags piled to the ceiling in her garage. There were rats running all over the house. 99.9% of our family pictures were pissed on or eaten by rats and not salvageable. -lady_guard
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An elderly man on a bike get hit by a truck. I had to hold his head together with my shirt to try and stop the bleeding until the ambulance came. -Overanalytical_Love