21 Times Trusting Their Guts Saved People's Lives.
Nathan Johnson
When people had a bad feeling about something and were right.
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I got a really weird feeling sitting in my car before I decided to drive home from college so I called my dad for a bit and just talked to him about whatever before I came home. Driving home there was a car wreck ahead of me due to something in the road and I think someone got seriously hurt Ever since then I've always had a feeling that would've been me had I not just taken it slow and made that phone call After that if I ever get a weird feeling when I'm about to do something or go somewhere I'll sit down and wait till the feeling passes, most of the time I'll call my dad or someone else just to talk. -
My ex and I were snorkeling. We were on holidays and spent most days at the beach snorkeling without incident. But this day was different, we were snorkeling along a rocky area near a drop off. I had this horrible feeling that we were being watched and felt really uneasy. I signaled to my ex to surface and I told him I felt weird and we needed to go back to the beach. He protested because he was having fun, but I was adamant. Low and behold, we get to the beach and everyone is standing and pointing to the water. We look back to see a large bull shark coming close to the shore. Not long after a helicopter was seen tracking it down the coast. My ex never questioned my intuition again! -
One time I was hiking after a storm and my intuition told me to freeze. I listened and a large tree just fell down across the trail in front of me, right where I would have been if I didn't stop. -
I almost drove through a big patch of tall grass on my dirt bike just for fun, but at the last second hit the brakes and turned around. Didn't know why. Next time I went there, turns out there's a 75 foot cliff over a river right behind it that I would have just flew off at top speed. Because of the scenery, you couldn't tell at all looking head on to it. I still don't know what made me stop back then. -
A few years ago I had a (rare) day off work and decided to get some Christmas shopping done. It was late November and the mall near me was having some really good sales. But as I was driving there I started having this weird anxious feeling. Like the closer I got the more anxious and uneasy I felt. So instead of going right to the mall I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a drink and snack. I couldn’t shake the anxiety so I sat in the parking lot for a bit while I ate and drank. I opened up the news on my phone and the first thing that pops up is a shooting at the mall I was headed to. Obviously I went straight home. Did all of my Christmas shopping online that year. -
I was casually walking home and then a drop of water fell on my head. My first thought was “Is it raining?” And my gut was all like, “Run.” So, naturally, I ran, and a whole f*****g air conditioner crashed down at the exact spot where I was standing. -
I had a sense something was wrong in my house but no reason why. I went around looking but couldn’t find anything wrong or anyone in there. Felt so freaked I stayed at a friends place. Ended up being a carbon monoxide leak—could’ve saved my life. -
I was supposed to be going into a friends home (also a neighbor) daily when they were on vacation to put in their mail, etc. I just felt weird going in there for some reason, which was odd because I’ve spent tons of time in there. So I just put it off for a few days. On like the third day we caught someone moving stuff out of the front door in the middle of the night - turns out someone was watching the house, broke a back window and was squatting in the house. By the state of the house, I’d say he was in there as soon as they left. Local police rolled up and caught him in the front yard, as he ran from them he chucked a gun. Safe to say I was really glad I put off putting the mail on the counter. -
Offshore fishing, wanted to jump in to cool off but felt something...off. Just then the shark fin surfaced, and a nice-sized great white circled the boat a couple times and disappeared. To be fair, I'd probably be fine, but I was done with the water for a day. -
When I was 10, I was walking to my friends house. A van stopped me to ask for directions to the park. A man was driving and a woman was passenger and she's the one who spoke to me. We had been taught in school (and by my parents) that adults should never ask kids for directions. In school, they told us if anyone ever stops you, take a giant step back before running away (so they can't grab you). So I take a step back and tell them I don't know where the park is. The lady said "I can't hear you, come closer" and I knew in my gut something was wrong. Out of fear, I almost listened to her but then the sliding door on the van started to open and I took off running faster than I've ever ran in my life. Ran all the way to my friends house. I told her parents everything and they called my parents and the police. The police came to her house and talked to me and said that 2 other kids in our neighbourhood reported the same van stopping and trying to talk to them. It was weird because before the van even stopped beside me, I had this sick feeling in my gut. As soon as it started rolling down the street, I knew something bad was about to happen. It was a couple of months before I had the guts to walk to my friends house again. -
When Ted Bundy asked me & my gal pal in 1975 to help him get his VW out of a ditch about mile down the road. Seriously! He was early 30ish. This was at a rural county fair in WA State when we’re both 15-16 years old. It made no sense a well-dressed man of that age would ask young girls when male police officers & guys older than us were all over. We didn’t know who he was then. But that made no sense —so we told him to get lost & went to tell a police officer this guy was asking this of us of teenagers. I later discovered who he was when at 21, I went to work for the same county’s Sheriff’s Dept & Bundy’s picture was posted everywhere. By then, they also know he tracked a local Nurse from the UW to her home town where this fair was located. Not a single doubt in my mind it was him! I see that clear as day every day in my mind’s eye memory. I’m 64. I can only tell you, predators are everywhere! You must pay attention! Watch Dateline if you think it’s rare. It’s not. It’s an endemic! Pay f*****g attention young ones! -
My first boy friend ever and this was years back. We lived in a medium ish town in Midwest and I was a painfully shy girl. I was head over heels for him. He had a fetish for red stilettos and I wanted to impress and bought a pair. I was a gawky girl and didn’t have the dress sense to even match those stilettos lol. He loved them that I wore them to a lot of places. We used to have lots of picnics in woods and another place where we had to take a small boat across a river. This particular weekend, I just wasn’t feeling him at all and something felt really off. He was a bit older than me (think 15 and 19) but I literally worshipped the ground he walked on. Not that Friday though and the more he begged me to go to one of our picnics the more I refused. My stomach was in knots and finally I vomited on our porch (where we were arguing) and he left. Over the next week, people discovered a random red stiletto floating in the river and then a body was fished out. My bf had another girl on the side (or May be I was the side, lol), and he killed her sometime on that weekend. They apparently did the same “picnics” that we did. He was on drugs and not sure what else happened, but I could have been in that girl’s place. -
Not my life but my brothers, when I was younger our family went to the local swimming hole and we were unpacking I was facing the tables while my little brother was by the edge, and he fell in he was about 2 so wasn’t very good at swimming I had feeling to turn around at that moment and saw my brother fall into the swimming hole I yelled for my parents and my dad dived I. And managed to save him. A couple of years later we were at the river and I saw a little girl stand on a large rock in the river and I had a feeling to jump into the river and I did, she slipped and started to go down stream and couldn’t get up, but because I jumped in when I did I managed to save her. -
Back in 2012 I was living in Spain with my best friend whilst we studied spanish. One evening, we were feeling sluggish and a bit off after eating dinner. We barely made it through half a movie before we looked at each other and discussed wether we were becoming sick, and should just call it an early evening and head to bed. We quickly got ready for bed, feeling sickish, and I was turning off the lights in the living room when I had a lightbulb moment of checking out the gas, but we were using a gas stove where you had to turn the gas thingy on and off upon using the stove itself (we never use this in our home country so we were just getting used to it). Turns out the gas was still on after we turned the stove off after cooking, and it was leaking gas into the small appartment we lived in, the entire evening. If we would have gone to sleep, we would have never woken up again. -
When I lived in Toronto I was about to cross Dufferin. I'd only looked to my right, not my left. I took a step onto the street when I felt this feeling like I needed to go back onto the sidewalk immediately. I took a step back onto the sidewalk and about a foot off the street, and then a city bus hurtles past my face at what felt like super speed. -
I was working in the sales office at an engineering company. I was asked to record the serial numbers off a stack of large steel plates on the shop floor. I had to get someone with crane operating experience to lift the top plate so I could read the one underneath. The guy lifted it directly upwards about 6ft. I was just about to lean underneath the plate when a little voice inside my head said "don't do that mate, get him to move the overhead plate to one side". Just as I thought that, the clamp holding the plate failed and it fell to the ground, just in front of me. It must've weighed about a tonne. If it'd fallen on my head, I'd have been killed instantly. -
I realized in my 39th week of pregnancy that my baby hadn't been moving as much for the past 36 hours. I decided it was best to make sure everything was all right, so we went to the ER. Turns out I was having preeclampsia, and he had the umbilical cord around his neck and was swimming in meconium. They put me on magnesium sulfate to bring my blood pressure down, and they gave me an emergency C-section. I and my son needed a few days to recover, but we're alive and well now. If I had decided to keep waiting and seeing, both of us might be dead. -
This happened when I was a teenager and first learning how to drive but still creeps me out to think about. I was at an intersection where a lot of accidents happen (it is poorly timed and people try to run the yellow light a lot). For some reason, one day, even though the light turned green, I hesitated for just a bit longer than normal before proceeding into the intersection. Sure enough, about 3 seconds later, someone going way over the speed limit ran the red light for the intersection. I'm almost positive I would've been killed instantly due to being t-boned super hard, as their timing would've been right on target to have collided, head-on, with my driver's side door (in a small sedan, no less). -
I was walking home during the summer as a hurricane was starting. I was crossing a neighbor's lawn to get to my best friend's driveway, and something told me "hurry up". I walked a little faster, and suddenly I heard an explosion above me. A power line had snapped from the wind and fell on the ground where I was standing, lighting the lawn on fire and missing me by inches. If I hadn't sped up, I would have been hit, no question. -
I was in high school and visiting my grandparents. My grandmother had a standard transmission pickup truck she was driving at the time. She said something was wrong with it and told my grandfather to take it to get looked at. He drove it and said nothing was wrong but he was mostly deaf so I was elected to ride with him and listen to if there were any weird sounds there was a really loud sound from under the hood and it freaked me out. I got the feeling something bad was going to happen so I begged my grandfather not to drive the two last feet to the mechanic shop. He obliged and the mechanic came over and drove the truck the last little way. Just as he pulled into the parking lot something broke lose and flew up through the hood and into the passenger side of the truck seat right where I had been sitting no doubt it would have killed me if I had still been sitting there. According to the mechanic it was a 1 in a million occurrence -
In my teens - friend was driving me home once and as we were exiting the highway I looked over at her and thought, “damn she’s a crazy driver.” I then put my seatbelt on without even thinking about it. Not even 10 seconds later she made a left hand turn on a green and a car going at least 80KM hit us on my side and we went flying. The bruise on my chest from the seat belt was terrible so I knew I would have also gone flying if it wasn’t for the gut feeling.
- 21 Times Trusting Their Guts Saved People's Lives.
- 19 Bootleg Items That Fit Like A Shoe
I got a really weird feeling sitting in my car before I decided to drive home from college so I called my dad for a bit and just talked to him about whatever before I came home. Driving home there was a car wreck ahead of me due to something in the road and I think someone got seriously hurt Ever since then I've always had a feeling that would've been me had I not just taken it slow and made that phone call After that if I ever get a weird feeling when I'm about to do something or go somewhere I'll sit down and wait till the feeling passes, most of the time I'll call my dad or someone else just to talk.