22 Evil but Funny Ways People Like to Mess With Others
Nathan Johnson
We all have been the victim or perhaps the perpetrator of a good prank. Pranks and pranksters come in many shapes and sizes but the best ones are the harmless kind that doesn't ruin anyone's day, damage property or leave people upset. Check out this batch of people who like to have a little troll.
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I put a tiny piece of masking tape over my co-worker’s mouse laser on April fool’s day one year, wrote “April fool’s” on it. He troubleshot every single thing except examining the mouse. He eventually called IT who simply turned the mouse over and pointed it out to him. -
Ask a question and when they are a few words into answering ask "huh?" -
Buy a set of “Voice Activated” or “Motion Activated” stickers from Amazon, and the possibilities are endless. -
When I order coffee and they ask for the name I say “Green. Like the sky.” -
Senior prank at my high school a few years ago, they let 3 chickens lose: numbered 1, 2, and 4.School took forever looking for the 3rd chicken. -
My grandpa glued a quarter to his driveway near the sidewalk and sits in his living room and watches people try to pick it up. I didn't know this till I found a quarter in the driveway one time. -
When driving I like to wave at random people as if I knew them. Hilarious to see instant confusion on their faces. -
When I was a corrections officer we had a guy who worked with us who was kind of a d**k to everyone, and he was computer illiterate. We took a screenshot of his desktop and moved all of his icons off of it so it looked legit but nothing worked. It took him an hour before he finally called IT and they figured it out pretty quickly. He wouldn’t talk to any of us for about a week. -
Say "no pun intended" after a sentence where there was clearly no pun. -
When someone knocks on the public washroom door you are in respond with come in! -
My grandpa does this thing where he stops in the busy street and starts staring into the sky as if he’s seen something amazing. It doesn’t take long for other people to stop and stare too, once he’s reaches critical mass he quietly slips away chuckling to himself. -
Whenever I visit my extended family across the country, I bring a bag full of random remotes that I don’t use anymore. Just random remotes that go to old dvrs or anything really. Just hide them around their house, they only recently caught on. -
The movie theater in my town is usually mostly empty. There's been a couple of times when I've come in to get seated and there's literally only one other person in my auditorium.There's an evil part of me that wants to just go sit right next to them. Not illegal, but it should be. -
Hide something around their house. My weapon of choice was tiny rubber ducks.Open a drawer? Duck.I need a spoon. Duck.Lovely picture of their wedding with a nice frame? Duck on top.Charging box? Duck.Bubble bath? Duck.Seldom used shoes? Duck.Winter coat pocket they won't use for months? Duck.Its ducking delightful how much mileage you can get out of tiny ducks. -
When at work, tell someone: I’m going to the bathroom do you need anything? -
If I know someone is walking a little ways behind me and I turn a corner with nobody else around I like to run 10-20 steps to widen the gap and then laugh to myself thinking that the person behind me will be confused.I doubt anyone ever notices but I get a kick out of it every time. -
I love mistakenly pronouncing words mid sentence only to pronounce them correctly moments later. -
If two neighbors have opposite political signs during an election, swap them. -
Hold a door open when they're just a little bit too far away, most people will do a funny little waddle run. -
When they ask what your favourite song or band is, tell them you don't like music. When they ask why say because there are no pictures like movies and tv shows. -
Say "High five" to someone, but don't put your hand up. -
Sometimes when you do like online quizzes they'll ask for an email to send the results too. I like to put random people that I know instead.
- 22 Evil but Funny Ways People Like to Mess With Others
I put a tiny piece of masking tape over my co-worker’s mouse laser on April fool’s day one year, wrote “April fool’s” on it. He troubleshot every single thing except examining the mouse. He eventually called IT who simply turned the mouse over and pointed it out to him.