23 Facts That Could Save a Life
Nathan Johnson
Hopefully, you'll never actually need to use this stuff, but you'll be glad you know it if you DO end up in that critical moment. I always say it's better to have the knowledge and not need it than to need it and not have it.
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Yell at a knife, whisper at a gun. If you yell at an attacker with a knife, there is a small chance that could startle them and they drop it. At the least, you are attracting attention, and can get out of the situation. Always whisper at someone with a gun, or at least, speak slowly and calmly. If you yell, that could startle them, and you could get shot. Most weapons are used as intimidation, so if it's your wallet they are after, talk calmly, give them your wallet, and back away slowly. -
If a service dog comes up to you without its human, FOLLOW IT. -
If you have a squeezing, tight sensation in the middle of your chest that travels up the jaw and shoulders, or down the left arm, chew up an aspirin and wash it down with water and then call emergency services. You are likely having a heart attack and aspirin is known to thin the blood enough to save your life. -
Crawl out of a burning building, breathing as close as possible to the floor as you move. Toxic smoke rises while air remains more breathable nearest the floor. -
If you're outside in a lightning storm and your hair starts floating, seek immediate shelter. You're about to be struck by lightning. -
When someone shouts 'duck' , don't question it and freakin duck. -
If a canker sore in your mouth or on your tongue isn't healing in about 2 weeks, it might not be a canker sore. I'm going in to surgery today, and they will likely remove 100% of my oral cancer, because of early detection. -
Don't swim in Florida waterways at night, dusk, or dawn, because of the large Alligator population. But if you should find yourself in the mouth of a hungry gator, don't go for the standard eye poke, go for the nostril poke. Jamming your finger in their nostril breaks the seal they use to keep water out of their airways when submerged and they will release you instantly. -
When in an emergency situation, tell someone to call 911 by pointing at them and saying "Hey you, in the [descriptive] shirt...call 911]. Shock is a real thing and some people need to be delegated roles explicitly. "You there, control the traffic around the scene." "Run to the nearest library or mall and get a defibrillator, you will see a sign of a heart with a lightening bolt through it." Delegate and be descriptive. Get them working for you. -
If the accelerator in your car gets stuck and you cannot stop, shift your car into neutral. -
If you ever get held at gunpoint and asked to get in a vehicle, you fight with everything you've got to not do that. Run zig zag, punch and kick, do whatever even if you die in the process. Because 99% of the time, people who get in the car do not come back. Especially if being moved from a public place to a private place. -
3 minutes without air. 3 days without water. 3 weeks without food. -
If someone gets stabbed, do NOT take the knife out if possible. If it stays in it acts as a plug to the hole and will reduce bloodloss. Apply pressure around the wound as best you can and call an ambulance. -
If you are deep frying something and the entire freakin pot is on fire, DO NOT PUT IT OUT WITH WATER!!!. 1) Turn off the gas/electric range. Don't pour water on it. 2) Cover the pot with a lid. Don't pour water on it. 3) If you don't have a lid, dump baking soda on it. Don't pour water on it. If you pour water on it your house might burn down and your face might melt. -
If you are stranded in the desert do not drink the “water” in a cactus. It will induce vomiting which will dehydrate and kill you faster -
Fighting mental health sometimes requires medicine and counseling. Don't be too proud or scared to seek help. -
A lot of choking deaths are actually due to embarrassment. If you're choking, fight the urge to save face. Don't go to the bathroom to fix it yourself, don't sit silently and try to spit up the food yourself. Ask for help asap -
Trust your gut, if something doesn't feel right then move to the other side of the street or change direction or don't go down that dark alley that moans. -
If you are being chased by a swarm of bees, do not jump into a lake or other body of water to escape. This isn't a cartoon. The bees will simply wait above the water to sting you, and now you have created a situation where you move slower, can't breathe as well, and suffer worse if the toxins affect you. You may even swallow a bunch of bees gasping for air. Also, water has unseen predators that you've now introduced to the equation. If pursued by bees, just keep running and running. They will defend their hive to a large proximity, perhaps even a mile. Just run until they feel they've won. -
If you pull a weapon in self defense, use it, immediately! I've known a number of people to be seriously injured from hesitating. -
Assume other drivers are out to kill you... healthy paranoia when paying attention to other drivers is a great basis for successful defensive driving -
If you get pulled out into a rip current at the beach, swim parallel to the shore to work your way out of the riptide rip current before trying to swim back to shore. Fighting against it directly is only going to exhaust you a ton faster. -
Your best bet in knocking a person out is to strike the side of their neck, normally with a karate chop. A striking blow on the side of the neck requires the least amount of force than any other body part to create a blackout, and the person will pass out for 10 to 30 seconds, before regaining conciseness.
- 23 Facts That Could Save a Life
- 27 Memes About Dating to Take Home to Mom
Yell at a knife, whisper at a gun. If you yell at an attacker with a knife, there is a small chance that could startle them and they drop it. At the least, you are attracting attention, and can get out of the situation. Always whisper at someone with a gun, or at least, speak slowly and calmly. If you yell, that could startle them, and you could get shot. Most weapons are used as intimidation, so if it's your wallet they are after, talk calmly, give them your wallet, and back away slowly.