25 Things That Are Deadlier Than People Think
When life is busy, it is easy to overlook stuff that can potentially destroy you.
A banana peel, a puddle of mud, a bird poop, the list goes on. So, let's look at the deadliest things that probably look harmless, based on AskReddit.
A banana peel, a puddle of mud, a bird poop, the list goes on. So, let's look at the deadliest things that probably look harmless, based on AskReddit.
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"Mouse droppings (hantavirus). I've known two people who have passed away from hantavirus while cleaning out storage units and coming into contact with mouse poop." - ch4881
(So Jerry was the main villain in Tom & Jerry all along.) -
"Picking fights with people on the street / in a bar. You might think it will be over after a few punches, next thing your family needs to identify you at the morgue." - BluefinTuba
(Well that's one way to set the bar.) -
"Anesthesia. I've been administering it for about 15 years and I get all the time "oh you push a button and they go to sleep." Actually, I poison them, take away all their reflexes, and have to support their heart, lungs, and brain for however long the surgeon decides they need to work, then bring them back to life like (hopefully) nothing happened. It's magic, dangerous magic." - ChirpinFromTheBench
(Start eating apples. Cause an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.) -
"Forklifts cuz some of you ppl keep walking in front of my forklift expecting me to stop and not almost run you over, or walking under my 1000lbs+ load like the forklift isn't going to randomly fail and kill you. Use your brain ppl!!!" - Sgt_Smartarse
(What the Fork!) -
"Farming. If you find the statistics, you will see how many people get injured or even die while working as farmers." - eerilyCradle
(Is farming okay in RPGs?) -
"falling from any height, you can break your neck from a 2 feet fall if you're standing wrong" - Dansatoru
"Can confirm. My grandfather fell off the second rung of a ladder-like 14 years ago and broke his back. He's still wheelchairbound with little to no function below the waist." - Ninjacat97 -
"texting and driving" - Wonderful-Economy368
(That'll call for a ticket... to hell.) -
"Mixing household cleaning products together thinking it's a great idea...Next minute you've either fainted or dead..." - Vanillapod44
(How else will you create the Powerpuff Girls?) -
"A vacuum can suck your eye out of the socket." - vanohew
(That a false accusation on Noo-noo.) -
"Rip currents. I grew up by the beach so myself and all locals know. There are signs and lifeguards but a few tourists will drown every summer season because they try to swim against the current instead of parallel to the shore." - iBelieveInSpace
(More like R.I.P currents) -
"Cars don't feel that fast when you're in them, which creates an illusion of safety. But going from 70mph to 0mph abruptly has a nearly 100% fatality rate." - No-Drag-7913
(Vin Diesel doesn't think so.) -
"Fire. Not sure why it has to be said, but with all the gender reveal party disasters I think people need to be reminded that fire is in fact very dangerous and very deadly." - BeaverPup
(Well, at least people will say that party was lit.) -
"Hippos" - ItGoesBrrrrr
(What did poor hippos do to you?) -
"Deer. Yes, they can kick and gore you to death but the real dangers are not just the thousands and thousands of deaths and injuries from traffic accidents but also all the horrible tick-borne diseases. That's how I almost died: untreated anaplasmosis from a deer tick. You probably see deer and think ooo that's nice. Pretty pretty. But you should know how much misery they cause!" - DrainageSpanial
(Oh Deer, that's a crazy fact.) -
"Stairs" - BorderCollie1000
(Use escalators, maybe?) -
"Going outside at night. Here in Mexico, poor people steal kidneys. especially at night. so, please don't." - ThatMexicanDude339
(Well, Kidney beans are quite pretty popular in Mexico.) -
"Sitting" - taktikek
(This one is deep.) -
"Mosquitoes. They maybe tiny and easily killable but they kill 1M people per year" - Purple_Llama_22 -
"The standard American diet. Americans mostly die of preventable chronic conditions. Coronary heart disease chiefly among the causes of death." - LightFielding -
"Coconuts..." - Juju_The_Prince
(Guess all kinds of nuts hurt.) -
"Hard liquor dissolves the natural mucosa in your mouth, throat, esophagus, etc. making those areas vulnerable to carcinogens. Throat cancer is a horrible way to die." - Tater42317 -
"The farts of a person that is lactose intolerant after a milkshake" - Sloopy_John_B
(Don't you think it's worst than death?) -
"livestock animals, they will eat you without hesitation. they may look cute and fuzzy but you shouldn't piss them off, or wander into their pens/pastures inebriated. one of my cousins walked into the pigpen drunk as sh*t one night. fell asleep. his family had to pull his half-eaten body out the next morning." - jaywill83
(Wtf did I just read?) -
"Sharing personal data to the world/social media." - siva-pc
(Cancel Culture is booming for sure.) -
"Living." - keltoy1549
(The only thing with a 100% mortality rate.)
- 25 Things That Are Deadlier Than People Think
- 24 Things That Got Under Our Skin
"Mouse droppings (hantavirus). I've known two people who have passed away from hantavirus while cleaning out storage units and coming into contact with mouse poop." - ch4881
(So Jerry was the main villain in Tom & Jerry all along.)