25 Tips, Tricks, and Street Smarts That Everyone Should Know
There are book smarts and there are "street smarts." And most people only have a few street smarts. But some of this street wisdom includes things everyone should know. Don't believe it? Check out this roundup of street smarts you NEED to know.
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If you feel like you’re in an unsafe area, keep your head up, look angry and look like you know where you’re going even when you don’t. You’re much more likely to be a target if you’re looking around or showing signs that you’re lost. -
If you're talking to a stranger and they start looking around (as if checking for witnesses) you gotta leave, quickly. -
If you ever get pulled over at night, immediately turn on all your lights inside your car. In my experience, it tends to relieve whatever tension the officer may have since they can see you a little bit more clearly. Plus it's better than having a flashlight shined in your face. -
If someone starts acting “concerned” about your belongings, get out of there soon as possible. For example, if you’re walking in public and someone says “hey go around this way so you don’t scuff up them nice shoes”, 9/10 they’re sizing you up to see if they can con you or outright take it from you under the guise of being concerned for your stuff. -
Never have a partner in crime; they will snitch. -
Never count your cash in public even if in singles. -
Never yell back at a group of guys verbally harassing you. Just keep walking. Don’t make a face, don’t change your walking pace, keep going as they’re not there. -
In crowded areas, carry bags, purses, and packages in front of you rather than behind you. -
If something feels wrong, it's probably about to be really wrong. Listen to your gut. -
Lock your doors as soon as you’re in a car. -
Security guards, doormen, food cart operators, and blue-collar workers in general are well-versed about the location of the nearest restrooms. -
Walk on the road if you’re in a real shady neighborhood and it’s late at night. Not in traffic but away from alleyway entrances -
If an attractive woman asks for directions, look for her partner behind you or going into your car to take what they can grab.Typical vacation area scam. -
Look with your eyes, not your head. -
If someone is blatantly violating social norms, such as blasting music on the subway or taking a phone call in a movie theater, keep in mind that if they are willing to violate one social norm they are probably willing to violate others, including prohibitions on violence. You don't have to be meek in the face of obnoxious people but you do have to factor in the increased likelihood of violence. -
If you're in the hood and you see kids playing outside, you're probably safe. If there are a lot of people outside but no kids, be super cautious and walk with a purpose. If it's empty or only teenagers/young adults, get out asap. -
Always get the money upfront.People who want to pay later probably won't and then things can get messy. -
If someone approaching you says “hey man, I ain’t gonna rob you” - they’re probably gonna try to rob you. -
Confirm the license plate and make sure you are getting in your proper Uber/Lyft. -
Always put something between yourself and the ground, even if it's just a piece of cardboard. Especially on asphalt, it absorbs heat and it will feel like it's sucking the life out of you -
Exercise your legs. Although in a bad situation they'll probably feel like wet noodles, if needed you'll be able to run. It will also show in everyday life that you are capable of moving effortlessly. Most people are sluggish and it's not hard to notice. -
Know where the exits are at all times -
There is no shame in running away from a fight. -
Blend in. Everywhere. Even if you’re faking it. And, if you’re faking it, get out as soon as you inconspicuously can. -
Listen always and speak only when you need to. People don't know when to shut up.
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If you feel like you’re in an unsafe area, keep your head up, look angry and look like you know where you’re going even when you don’t. You’re much more likely to be a target if you’re looking around or showing signs that you’re lost.