8 Cruelest Wives in History
Marty Mcfly
These wives went above and beyond to screw over their husbands (allegedly. Unless convicted. Lawyers, stay away from us.).
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The empress who traded as prostitute to cheat on her husband and later planned to kill him with one of her lovers: In 48 A.D. she plotted with one of her lovers, Sillius, to have Claudius murdered and even had a secret marriage ceremony with him. However, one of Claudius's advisors Narcissus, exposed the plot to him. Claudius was heartbroken and could hardly believe his own ears, but was eventually persuaded to have her and Sillius promptly executed. Messalina was given the option of suicide but she could not bring herself to take her own life. -
The Australian woman who killed her husband and served him as dinner for his kids. Katherine Knight stabbed her husband 37 times with a butcher's knife before skinning him and hanging his hide from a meat hook in their lounge room back in 2000. She then decapitated him and put his head in a pot on the stove, baked flesh from his buttocks and cooked vegetables and gravy as side dishes to serve to the man's children. Police found the macabre dinner before the children arrived home. -
The woman who bit her husband's penis off: Katya Kharitovonova woke up to find her husband half-naked and her best friend performing a sex act on him. Katya immediately seized a floor lamp and crashed it over Liza's head before biting and severing her husband's penis. Realizing the seriousness of the wounds she inflicted, Katya called an ambulance and the pair was taken to casualty at a nearby hospital. Liza suffered a severe concussion while Mikhail's willy had to be stitched back together. -
The woman who cheated on her husband after he donated his own kidney to her: Dr Richard Batista married Dawnell Batista in 1990. In 2001, after two previous transplants failed, Batista proved to be a match to his wife, so he duly gave her one of his own kidneys. After recovering from the life-saving transplant, Dawnell repaid Richard's gesture by sleeping with her physical therapist, filing for a divorce, and then denying Richard access to their three kids. -
Stacy Castor killed both of her husbands and then (allegedly) framed her own daughter. -
The Saudi woman who dumped her husband because he tried to sneak a look at her face after 30 years of marriage: A Saudi Arabian man lived with his wife for 30 years without setting eyes on her face. His 50-year-old wife followed the tradition of her native village near the south-western city of Khamis Mushayt and kept her features veiled at all times. One night the husband was overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face. It was an error he'll never have a chance to repeat for his outraged wife woke up during his sneak peek and decided to demand a divorce. -
The woman who attacked her husband with frozen lasagna: An Atlantic Beach woman was taken into police custody after investigators said she used frozen lasagna to serve up violence instead of serving it for dinner. Amanda Trott is charged with domestic battery after police said she attacked her husband with the frozen food during an argument. Mr. Trott claimed that Mrs. Trott had slapped him across the face several times and threw a frozen lasagna at him that struck him on the top of his head. -
The woman who hanged her husband to death during a sex game: Tony Boarder placed the rope around his own neck, and his wife hung him. He told her to lower him and then lost consciousness as Crystal Boarder slowly brought him to the ground over a period of about 15 minutes. For the next 40 minutes, she checked his pulse and smoked cigarettes. Later that morning, Crystal Boarder called the police and said she had accidentally killed her husband during a sex game. -
The woman who chose a pet crocodile over her husband:An Australian woman, Vicki Lowing, divorced her husband after he asked her to give up her pet crocodile, Johnie, which is "like a child" to her. Mrs Lowing, 52, who has hand-raised the one-and-a-half metre reptile for 13 years, gives it the run of the house and even lets it sleep with her son Andrew in his bed. Victoria adopted the crocodile after it was left on her doorstep in 1996 by an anonymous person. Her husband Greg said she spent too much time with the pet and asked her to give it up in a bid to save their marriage, but she refused and the couple divorced in 2005. -
The 76-year-old lady who is suspected of murdering four of her five husbands. Even her grandson, Jeff Carstensen, was spooked when he learned his grandmother planned to buy him a $100,000 life insurance policy--and name herself the beneficiary. As he and many others who came into Betty Neumar's orbit have learned, bad things tend to happen to the people around her.
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The empress who traded as prostitute to cheat on her husband and later planned to kill him with one of her lovers: In 48 A.D. she plotted with one of her lovers, Sillius, to have Claudius murdered and even had a secret marriage ceremony with him. However, one of Claudius's advisors Narcissus, exposed the plot to him. Claudius was heartbroken and could hardly believe his own ears, but was eventually persuaded to have her and Sillius promptly executed. Messalina was given the option of suicide but she could not bring herself to take her own life.