Thoughtful Airline Employee Returns Little Boy's Lost Buzz Lightyear in Spectacular Fashion
Andrew Cunningham
A young boy who lost one of his favorite toys while traveling got a surpise package in the mail recently. It was his missing Buzz Lightyear toy complete with an update about his "mission" and his travels.
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A two year old boy on a trip to Texas accidentally left his favorite Buzz Lightyear toy on the plane when his families flight arrived. His mother realized he had left his toy behind when they arrived to pick up the rental car. Thinking on her feet, Hagen's mom said Buzz had to go on a special mission and would return once he was done. -
"My son was devastated," Ashley explained. "He loved his Buzz so much and even had his name written on the bottom of his boot just like the Buzz from the movie has Andy on his." "I looked into how to claim lost items with SWA," she continued in her post. "The cost alone to submit a claim exceeded the cost of Buzz and chalked it up as a loss." -
A Southwest Airline employee went to "infinity and beyond" in order to return a Hagen Davis' Buzz Lightyear toy. Not only did Jason (the southwest employee) go out of his way to identify Buzz's owner and return it to him, but he also sent the toy back in "a hand-decorated box, complete with a letter describing his mission at Southwest Airlines," along with accompanying photos, Southwest said. -
"There's definitely not enough good in this world," Hagen's mom, Ashley Davis, said in the post. "And for someone to take the time out of their day to do that for strangers means the world to us." -
Complete with photos of Buzz's epic Mission and hand-written detailed report, Hagen and Buzz were reunited at last thanks to the Southwest employee who went the extra mile to make a little boy smile. -
A two year old boy on a trip to Texas accidentally left his favorite Buzz Lightyear toy on the plane when his families flight arrived. His mother realized he had left his toy behind when they arrived to pick up the rental car. Thinking on her feet, Hagen's mom said Buzz had to go on a special mission and would return once he was done.