10 Disturbing Facts That'll Make You Mildly...
- They say knowledge is power, but who really wants all...
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Muslim Boxer Amir Khan Receives Death Threats After...
- When did being a good Dad become an offense punishable...
22 Bizarre Facts That Will Leave You Uneasy
- Unusual things that range from interesting to WTF!
Guys Share The Creepiest Thing A Women Ever Did To Them
- A man will hit you in the face if he has a beef with...
14 Unsettling Facts That'll Leave You Shook
- Some terrifying information.
25 Unexplained And Creepy Broadcast And Sound...
- What you don't expect or want when watching your...
22 Random Facts That Will Creep You The Hell Out
- A collection of odd and interesting things you...
13 People Share Their Scariest Paranormal Experiences
- Paranormal encounters people just couldn't explain.
22 WTF Facts That Are Just Plain Disturbing
- Some weird and creepy facts for your mind to ponder.
22 Creepy Facts That Are Just Plain Disturbing
- A collection of interesting yet unsettling info.
22 Creepy Facts That Are Actually Disturbing
- The world is a messed up place!
18 Do It Yourself Monstrosities
- You could get a DUI trying to get away from these DIY.
22 Creepy Facts That Will Disturb You
- Weird, creepy, and unusual facts.
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Make You Say WTF!
- Creepy pieces of info that are strange but true.
21 New and Terrifying Ghostly Images
- The creepiest in new paranormal imagery on the web.
22 Pics That Claim To Have Captured A Spirit
- There have been ghost tales told throughout history,...
22 Creepy Facts That Will Chill You To The Bone
- Weird and creepy bits of trivia that will surely shock.
Proof That Nature Can Be As Creepy and Perverted As Us
- These 19 trees will blow your mind!
18 Urban Explorers Share Their Creepiest Experiences
- Being an urban explorer is creepier than you think....
14 Of The Creepiest Quotes From Infamous Serial Killers
- Chilling things said by some of the sickest people to...
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Really Make You Think
- From the odd to the unsettling.
15 of the Scariest Things That Ever Happened When...
- Grab the biggest knife you can find and barricade...
50 Scary Stories From Each State In America
- Super creepy ghost stories from every U.S. State
22 Creepy And Unsettling Facts To Chill You To The Bone
- Weird and WTF facts that you may not have heard before.
15 Painfully Cringeworthy Things
- The cringe is intense!
22 Disturbing Facts That Will Creep You The Hell Out
- Weird and creepy things from all over our strange...
28 Nasty Pics Full of NOPE
- Just turn and run away.
14 of the Strangest Ways Women Have Hit On Men
- Some odd and WTF attempts at picking up a guy.
21 Awkward People Who Will Surely Make You Cringe
- The most awkward people on social media.
23 Disturbing Facts That Will Send A Chill Down Your...
- A collection of weird and creepy facts.
15 Creepy Photos That Will Make You Say "No Thanks,...
- Nature and people at their scariest.
22 Creepy Facts That Will Keep You Up At Night
- Weird and creepy facts that might not want to know,...
10 Creepy Things People Swear They Saw
- Sometimes you gotta see to believe
22 Creepy And WTF Facts That Will Chill You To The Bone
- The world has secrets that might be disturbing to some...
19 Chilling Facts That Are Scary AF
- You may have to google some of these to believe them.
15 Desperate Creeps Who Are Anything But Subtle
- These are the kinds of douche bags that give the rest...
15 Shocking Things Co-Workers Have Revealed on the...
- You may think you know your co-workers...
3D Versions of Some Of Your Favorite Pop Culture Icons
- A handful of your favorite characters in a freaky...
23 Strange Facts That Will Creep You The Hell Out
- A collection of stuff maybe you didn't really need to...
23 Awesome And Creepy Facts To Wrap Up The Weekend
- A collection of weird and creepy facts.
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