15 Kids Whose Parents Wish They Were Smarter
- When someone asks me why I don't have kids, I'm...
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60 Smart People Share Their Dumbest, Most Embarrassing...
- Truly some facepalm-worthy stories.
Visa and McDonalds Get Flamed For Their Mock-Up...
- This Sample Monthly Budget, produced by Visa and...
39 Ladies Who Got Caught Faking it on Instagram
- Who do they think they're are fooling? Because it...
32 Customer Service Horror Stories That Plumb the...
- Contrary to popular belief, the customer ISN'T always...
25 Insane Texts from People's Exes
- These are real train wrecks.
24 Pics Packed to the Brim with Dumb
- These pics will make you facepalm, so it's best if you...
Choosing Beggar Pitches a Fit Over $30
- Some people just feel like everything is owed to them.
23 Funny Jokes People That Left People Confused
- These went right over their heads.
Painful Pictures From Times When Life Bit Back
- There are moments in life when the world is trying to...
Million-Dollar Amusement Park Wants Free Designs,...
- If you "value" artists by profiting from their work...
Kanye West Ended His Presidential Run in 11 Days, So...
- Whelp, it was dumb while it lasted.
Amber Heard Shares Damning Photo of Depp Asleep With...
- That's the final straw, this man is out of control....
Chance The Rapper Asks Twitter Why Biden Would Be...
- Will you be voting for Kanye West this November?
Expensive Mistakes That Cost an Arm and a Leg
- Expensive mistakes and accident that cost these people...
24 People Too Dumb For Their Own Good
- This will make you faceplam through your skull.
Daughter Nearly Traumatized to Learn Bob Ross is Dead
- Don't worry kid, I've known for years and I'm STILL...
KW Miller Has the Funniest Twitter Account of All Time...
- Amazing how someone this dumb can even stay alive for...
25 Very Dumb People Who Made Us Feel Smarter
- I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but these...
Hungover Guy Poops the Bed after One-Night Stand and...
- Who's baking brownies in here?
Donald Trump Proves Once and for All He Has the...
- Truly inspiring stuff.
Company Gets Butthurt After Asking Candidate For...
- If you can't stand honest answers, why even bother...
25 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- These went right over their heads.
Presidential Candidate Kanye West Ditches Trump and...
- Hopefully the historians will just skip over this part...
Zillow Listing Goes From Oh to Oh-No Fast
- Why wouldn't you cover up that terrifying graffiti...
Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver DeSean Jackson...
- DeSean Jackson has since said he, "doesn't hate the...
19 Reactions to Kanye's Presidential Run That Show How...
- Kanye can't even take himself seriously so no one else...
Former Reddit CEO Suggests Everyone Knew About...
- Ellen Pao, the former CEO of Reddit, explained her...
25 People Share the Strange Rules They Had to Follow...
- Weird stuff they weren't allowed to do.
After Sending Employees Home, Whole Foods Says, Shirts...
- A group of Whole Foods employees staged a protest and...
Vegan Wants Whole Neighborhood to Take Their BBQ...
- Of course it was in Berkeley.
25 Super Entitled People Who Need to Come Back Down to...
- Everybody wants something for nothing these days, and...
25 Pics Packed with Dumb
- Facepalm worthy stuff.
34 People So Full of Crap It's Spewing Out of Every...
- These people are living in a fantasy world of their...
Karen Says She's "Friends With the Owner" to the...
- Sure, Karen, you know everyone right? You're the Mayor...
Mom Flips Out When Babysitter Shows the Reciepts
- Mom agrees to price, mom then promptly forgets and has...
21 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- These folks need a serious wake up call.
Terry Crews Ticks off Entire BLM Movement with a...
- He's not failing up or down. He's failing completely...
Karen Attempts to Expose Barista Who Wouldn't Serve...
- He's just doing his job, Karen.
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