'I've Made a Huge Mistake' - 17 People Who Realized They Married the Wrong Person
Getting married is typically a joyous occasion and an exciting time for couples. The celebration, having your friends, family, and loved ones there for the event is something a lot of people look forward to.
However, after the big day and the honeymoon is when the real challenges of being married begin. Recently someone on Reddit asked "When was the moment you know you married the wrong person" and people shared some scandalous and even heartbreaking answers.
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"On the wedding day…. She spent a fortune on unnecessary things, and I knew I’d be the one fitting the bill on the credit card she ran up. So I told her no more, she said she wanted an ice cream vendor there (we already had two dessert bars) told her it was not needed. She fought me on it but finally agreed. Wedding day comes, I’m standing with my groomsmen, in comes the ice cream truck. Knew right then, sadly." -
"When I saw her on an adult esc**t site. I got an email from unknown saying “you don’t know me but I heard you are a good guy and you don’t deserve this [link to the site]. I was grateful but obviously gutted." -
"When I had been on mandatory bedrest and caring for our infant son, after having emergency surgery for nearly bleeding to death after a miscarriage, and he came home from work and looked me dead in the face and said "why aren't the f****ng dishes done?" Called my mom the next morning and told her I was leaving. Hightailed it out of there 2 weeks later." -
"I realized that I was hiding good news from her because I knew she would make me feel bad about it. I hoped she was going to grow up and stop being selfish and childish. She never did." -
"When she sat me down and with a straight face said “I’ve thought about this and you’re not going to exercise anymore.” I was jogging a few miles a day and would usually bring kids with in running stroller. She said you’re a father and it’s too time consuming. That’s when I realized I made a terrible mistake lol. Catching her with another man in my car didn’t help the case to stay married" -
"When he didn’t mention me in his speech at our wedding. He thanked everyone else, commented on the bridesmaids, talked about our daughters. I may as well not have even been there." -
"6 months after our wedding when I found out about the emotional (he says only emotional but I’m pretty sure it was physical too) affair through text messages. He had sent his affair partner screenshots of my texts to him in which I was begging him to talk to me and tell me what was wrong. They both proceeded to make fun of my desperation to fix my marriage and his affair partner said something along the lines of “poor valiant, she doesn’t know anything and keeps begging you for attention and affection”. The moment i read those words I realised how big of mistake I had made." -
"One day I realized I had become a smaller version of myself. A shell, a shadow of who I really (and once) was." -
"I came home from a long day of work to find burn marks all over the carpet and linoleum. My then husband had spent the entire day playing games on his PC. While doing so, he had been ignoring our puppy who had managed to somehow get ahold of a phone battery, bite through it, and cause a small fire. Thankfully, the dog wasn't injured. This event, on top of finding out shortly before he had been lying about going to community college for almost a year was the turning point where my feelings died." -
"When I lost twins and he dropped me off at the hospital to get an operation to have my babies removed. He dropped me off at the hospital bleeding and went to party with his friends..." -
"When I realized if we weren’t married I wouldn’t have even wanted to be his friend" -
First night of our honeymoon I got horrendously sick, and he left me alone in our room to go watch something on the big screen on the beach. So much for sickness and health!" -
"When I came home from the ER after being diagnosed with a severe lung disorder, and she immediately left me with the kids so she could go out drinking with friends. Her exact words were "I need you to make them dinner, I'm running late to meet up with everyone" -
"It was actually almost immediately after getting married. Our relationship had taken a nose dive as soon as we moved in together. But after we got married, while we were in Greece on our honeymoon, he absolutely lost his mind on me in public. I had wanted to go see a beach on the island that is supposed to be one of the most beautiful in the world, so we tried to catch the bus, but it never came. He screamed at me, telling me he hated traveling with me and how could I ruin his vacation like this. Then we walked to the beach nearby and he went swimming with his two friends who he insisted come with us on the trip. I was too stunned and humiliated to do anything except sit on a beach chair and cry." -
"We were in the bathroom getting showered and dressed for a friend’s wedding. I was in the best shape of my life at the time, feeling good about myself, and I thought I looked good in that suit. She was finishing her makeup and I remarked at how beautiful she looked. I waited for her to say something nice in reply but she didn’t. And it just hit me. I couldn’t remember a single time that she complimented me on my appearance. So I said that to her. I said “You know, I always tell you how beautiful you are, and how attracted to you I am, but I never recall you ever saying that I look good or that I look handsome.” She stopped applying her mascara long enough to dismissively roll her eyes at me. So I made the mistake of asking her, “Do you even find me attractive?” And she flatly said “No.” I asked, “Why did you marry me then?” And she said “I didn’t think it was important at the time.” I never felt so ugly and unloved. And it hurt even more when I had been feeling so good about myself for once in my life 30 seconds earlier." -
"When he was messaging a side chick on our wedding day and boy did it go sideways from there" -
"Together 15 years, married 13. She said one day, to hurt me, “I don’t find you physically, mentally or sexually attractive”. I recoiled. This was about 4 months ago, we’re still together but I just can’t get over it"
"On the wedding day…. She spent a fortune on unnecessary things, and I knew I’d be the one fitting the bill on the credit card she ran up. So I told her no more, she said she wanted an ice cream vendor there (we already had two dessert bars) told her it was not needed. She fought me on it but finally agreed. Wedding day comes, I’m standing with my groomsmen, in comes the ice cream truck. Knew right then, sadly."