Man’s E-Cigarette Blows Up In His Face
A man was left in critical condition after his e-cigarette exploded in his face.
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Electronic cigarettes, or e-cig’s for short, have been becoming more and more popular these last few years with more family and friends purchasing them as anti-smoking aids. -
There’s still much about these things that people don’t know or aren’t aware of however, and not understanding an electric piece of equipment that generally sees more face time than a toothbrush can lead to tragic accidents. Take Cordero Caples for instance, a young college student who was all about health and fitness until this incident. His e-cig actually exploded right in his face and caused a hell of a lot of damage; including fractured vertebrae among other facial fractures he had some broken teeth and undoubted burns. -
Are e-cigs really that dangerous though? According to Memphis, Tennessee smoke shop employee Mary Grace Burns during an interview with WHBQ, yes and no. She believes that Caples e-cig only exploded because of ignorance to the items being used. In the current most popular e-cig market, there’s three different parts of one – the battery, the tank and the coils. Unfortunately for Caples, it may not have been explained that certain coils only function properly with a designated battery. According to Burns the battery Caples was using was actually much too powerful for the type of coils he was using, and this type of incompatibility lead to devastating results. -
Unsurprisingly, Burns stresses that the best way to enjoy an e-cig would first be by educating yourself as to what exactly it is and what the specifications are. The safest way to enjoy any activity is by first knowing the in’s and out’s? Who would have thought. Especially with Christmas right around the corner, if you’re thinking of purchasing one of these bad boys a little research could really make a difference!
- Man’s E-Cigarette Blows Up In His Face
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Electronic cigarettes, or e-cig’s for short, have been becoming more and more popular these last few years with more family and friends purchasing them as anti-smoking aids.