Mom Who Was Shamed For Breastfeeding by a Cop Gets a Reply From The Sheriff
His argument was founded on his claim that he could see a little areola.
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His argument was founded on his claim that he could see a little areola. From there things escalated rather quickly — he actually threatened to arrest her and then shamed her into finishing the feeding in her car. She was so upset, she took to Facebook to post about the incident where it's been shared almost 15,000 times. -
People were appalled at the officer's behavior and quick to support Shukla. -
And one had the suggestion to contact the Sheriff via Facebook -
She did just that, and Muscogee Country Sheriff Darr posted his response to her on Facebook as well. -
Sheriff John T. Darr September 26 at 8:11am · Good Morning, I have seen and am aware of a post circulating Facebook, regarding a situation between a Muscogee County deputy and a woman attempting to breastfeed her young child. My wife and I have four children, each of whom were breastfed, and two of my daughters now have small children of their own. Therefore, I fully understand and appreciate the right of a woman to feed her child wherever she is most comfortable. It is also the law in the state of Georgia. We are currently looking into this incident and it will be addressed. Our office does not condone these actions and will ensure all officers know and understand the law. On behalf of the Muscogee County Sheriff's Office, I would like to personally extend an apology to the woman involved, and we hope that she knows that these are not the opinions or practices of the office as a whole. -
Sam Taylor Sheriff, this went viral, and your response is wonderful. As a public servant myself, I salute you. Like · Reply · 12 · 22 hrs Roxanne Lenae Phillips Roxanne Lenae Phillips That's the problem now days the cops are not properly trained on the laws or how to handle situations. Women should be able to feed their babies anywhere without any shame. If it was your screaming baby hungry you would want him/her feed. But cops can make mistakes and its no big deal but we citizens make a mistake or drive 5 over the speed limit or silly things we have to pay for them. Like · Reply · 15 · 22 hrs Mark Davies Jr. Mark Davies Jr. People really need to check the date, its 2016 not 1816, its breastfeeding thats all, nature's way, NOTHING to see here, If you are offended then its YOU thats the problem, YOU need help. Grow up.. Like · Reply · 17 · 21 hrs 4 Replies · 7 hrs Chris Allen Chris Allen I would add to the good sheriff here, it's not just about the woman's comfort; it's also about the hungry baby's comfort. :) Like · Reply · 18 · 21 hrs · Edited 1 Reply Chia NT Chia NT We don't care if your children were breastfed. This isn't about you! This is about your department's inability to ensure that officers are aware of ALL laws they attempt to "enforce"; and, in this case, your officer is clearly going out of his way to s...See More Like · Reply · 18 · 19 hrs · Edited 1 Reply Simon Boterkooper Simon Boterkooper Dus het klopt wat je ziet in elke Amerikaanse tv series. Jullie zijn zo bang voor tepels dat vrouwen tijdens de sex hun bh aanhouden. En maar klagen over moslima's met een hoofddoek. Trieste mensen daar aan de andere kant van de plas. See Translation Like · Reply · 5 · 15 hrs Deanna Catero Hemenway Deanna Catero Hemenway Thank you for your UNDERSTANDING & SUPPORT for this mother & ALL mothers! Real men behave like gentlemen. Thank you! Like · Reply · 5 · 15 hrs Rodney Reginald King-Denning Rodney Reginald King-Denning Some guys prefer twigs and berrys, or really young children, like the one you're pictured with, which is normal, even for cops, nowadays. If you would rather hassle an innocent mother over some target tranny, just remember, if it wasn't for the compas...See More Like · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs 6 Replies · 5 hrs Rodney Reginald King-Denning Rodney Reginald King-Denning My bad. He's autistic. Who let the poor thing become a cop?! -
- 34 Really Depressing Pictures and Memes
His argument was founded on his claim that he could see a little areola. From there things escalated rather quickly — he actually threatened to arrest her and then shamed her into finishing the feeding in her car. She was so upset, she took to Facebook to post about the incident where it's been shared almost 15,000 times.