17 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got sent to the burn ward.
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23 Savage Roasts and Brutal Insults That Rocked People...
- If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the comments.
23 Savage Burns and Replies That Roasted People to a...
- Be careful out there.
20 Most Brutal Roasts Anyone Has Overheard
- We're gonna need some ice for these sick burns.
21 Savage Insults That Burnt People to a Crisp
- These really hit their mark.
32 of the Most Cleverly Savage Insults People Ever...
- Times people got hit with a comeback or reply they...
21 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Nuked
- Folks who asked the internet to roast them and...
17 Fools Who Tried to Troll Celebs and Got Publicly...
- Leaving a funny comment or savage reply is something...
20 Tweets Putting Celebs on Their A**
- We've collected some of the best mean tweets to start...
20 Times Celebs Got Roasted to a Crisp on Twitter
- Another work week means another chance to roast some...
20 Untamed Tweets of the Week That Scorched Celebs
- Give yourself a pat on the back. You made it to the...
21 Roast Victims Who Got Sent to the Burn Ward
- They just got taken down.
20 Painful Pics That Hurt So Good
- So many pictures, so much pain in one place. Proceed...
20 Insults That People Will Never Forget
- A batch of funny, savage, and sometimes just plain...
25 Times People Got Brutalized by the Comments
- There is nothing we love more than a well-crafted...
27 People Who Asked to be Roasted and Got Scorched
- Some people don't like to play it safe. They would...
18 People Who Said ‘Roast Me’ and Got Absolutely...
- Kudos to these burn ward victims, because they asked...
25 Times Actors Botched Their Accents In TV and Film
- At its core, acting is all about pretending to be...
17 Brilliantly Sophisticated Insults
- These are hands down the classiest way to tell someone...
18 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Scorched by...
- Now if there is one thing about people on the internet...
17 People Who Asked To Be Roasted And Got Scorched
- They just got sent to the burn ward.
20 Original Insults to Use on Your Friends and Enemies...
- Insults are so unoriginal these days, especially on...
28 Ingenious Insults That Obliviated Their Victims
- They haven't been from heard since.
15 Reddit Roasts That Left People Scorched
- They should've been careful what they asked for,...
23 Celebrities Getting Roasted Online
- They never stood a chance.
27 Funny Clapbacks That Burn
- These savage and sarcastic responses burn so hard,...
30 People Who Asked To Be Roasted and Got Sent to the...
- These poor souls were sent to the burn unit with 3rd...
100% Accurate - 25 Funny & Relatable Memes About...
- The kids like to have fun.
20 Brutal Celebrity Burns by Internet Smarta**es
- That's definitely gonna leave some 3rd-degree burns.
30 Times People Were Caught Lying Online
- Some people have no shame when it comes to lying on...
24 People Who Were Burned To A Crisp
- We've got some third degree burns on our hands here.
22 Savage Burns That Were Self-Inflicted
- Brutal roasts and savage burns that were...
26 People Prepared for Battle in the Comments Section
- They got absolutely murdered.
35 People Who Got Savaged Online
- Sometimes it is best to keep your thoughts to yourself.
38 Absolutely Savage Burns
- These burns will probably require ointment.
39 Wendy's Twitter Roasts Served Extra Crispy
- She's a brutal lady.
34 Golden Savage Roasts
- These burns are definitely gonna leave a mark.
76 Stellar Pics and Memes To Keep You Occupied
- A mega meme dump of epic proportion to keep you...
Dude Gets Roasted Over His Love Life By His Own Mom
- Mom is an absolute savage!
54 Savagely Accurate Memes
- Funny cause it's true.
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